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Giving everyone the freedom to distribute, monetize, and stream unstoppable audio. Audius connects fans directly with artists in a familiar music player interface.
資金調達 - データなし

約 Audius

Audius allows artists to distribute to and get paid directly from their fans, and is comprised of the following

1. An efficient token economy powered by the Audius platform token ($AUDIO), 3rd-party stablecoins,
and artist tokens
2. A decentralized storage solution and ledger for sharing audio and metadata
3. A unique track encryption scheme paired with a programmable mechanism to unlock user-specific proxy re-encryption keys for content
4. A discovery protocol for users to efficiently query metadata
5. A decentralized governance protocol, whereby artists, node operators, and fans are individually and collectively enfranchised in decision making about protocol changes and upgrades

The Audius protocol is live today and fully decentralized, operated by a robust decentralized community of artists, fans, and node operators, and serves nearly 500,000 users every month at the time of writing


 The mission of the Audius project is to give everyone the freedom to distribute, monetize, and stream any audio content.

The Audius protocol allows artists, fans, and node operators to collectively provide a high-quality end-user music streaming experience without centralized infrastructure. 


Audius Token ($AUDIO)

Audius platform tokens (ticker $AUDIO) have three prongs of functionality within the protocol unlocked by staking:

ˆ Security 

With Audius, artists can generate immutable and timestamped records for their creative works, secured by an incentive-aligned decentralized network of node operators.

ˆ Feature access

Unlock premium features for curated engagement by using our native platform token, $AUDIO. From gated content to artist tokens and remix contests, Audius is here to give fans the exclusivity they deserve.

ˆ Governance

As a platform owned and operated by its users, the future of Audius is entirely driven by $AUDIO governance. Everything about Audius is governable, with voting weight directly correlated to $AUDIO staked for value-added services.

Audius チーム

検証済み 0%


Roneil Rumburg
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Forrest Browning
Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer
Sid Sethi
Senior Engineer
Christina Rowland
Head of Operations
Julian Baker
Senior Designer

Audius 最後のニュース

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