All Of Artは、世界中の何千人ものアーティストに数百万人の視聴者にプラットフォームへのアクセスを提供します。それは何百万もの顧客に芸術作品の素晴らしい選択を提供するでしょう。プラットフォームの検索エンジンは、ニューラルネットワークに基づいています。アーティスト自身がオープンブロックチェーンを使用してプラットフォームを制御するため、購入は追加料金なしで行われます(取引なしまたは数量ベースの料金はかかりません)。 All Of Artの立ち上げと開発のための資金は、2018年前半からのクラウンファンディングキャンペーン中にAllOfArtトークンを一般公開することで集められます。
A search engine All Of Art, based on a neural network
Within just the past few years machine learning has become far more effective and widely
available. Machine learning is a broad term that encompasses anything where you teach a
machine to improve at a task on its own. More specifically, it refers to any system where a
machine’s performance at completing a task gets better solely through more experience
performing that task. Neural networks are an example of machine learning.
Most search engines use neural network models, to predict and show the best results in the
beginning of the list.
Search engine All Of Art will be used in two directions:
1. Semantical – search by keywords: having only the description of a desired painting (color
palette, topic, genre etc.), All Of Art platform user will see a list of the most relevant
paintings for his request in the search results;
2. Graphic – search by an image (a photo or a screenshot): All Of Art platform user will be able to find a picture on the website if he has its photo or screenshot. Search engine will also offer to userstylistically similar artworks, which are of the same genre and similar art
works by popular authors.
Machine learning of the web search engine will take into account individual successful searching
experience of the user, as well as the collective one. The analysis of the new trends in the art
world will take place constantly, so that the user will get the most relevant result at the moment
of the request.
Social aggregator All Of Art
All Of Art platform will propose genius social aggregator for artists who will be presented on All
Of Art platform and wish to actively promote their works in social networks. Social aggregator
will work as one innovative client for all known social networks.
Artists will be able to add all their accounts from different social networks in the social aggregator
and receive notifications from all the authorized social networks in one place.
Social aggregator will search for mentions of the artist in the social networks and notify him.
Management of reputation in social networks will become much easier with this tool.
Social aggregator will also provide instruments for simple and effortless creation of posts in the
social networks. After publishing a new painting on All Of Art platform, the author will get an
opportunity to publish it in social network accounts, which were authorized in the social
All Of Art MarketPlace
The artists will be able to sell their artworks directly to the customer using the platform. All Of
Art platform is a non-profit organization without any transaction or volume-based fees.
All paintings and other art pieces will be sold direct from the artist to the customer, so the price
will always be real, which is profitable for the seller as well as for the customer. At least they do
not have to pay a commission, which is included in the price on typical online marketplaces.
The platform will be a business incubator for the creators of art. Artists all over the world who
cannot afford access to big international marketplaces yet, will get form All Of Art an access to a
multimillion audience. Customers will be able to find paintings and other art pieces created by
local and beginning artists who are not presented on other platforms.
The payment for artworks will be conducted in cryptocurrencies:
1. AllOfArt token
2. Bitcoin
3. Ethereum
4. Waves
The possibility of using other cryptocurrencies or fiat money for a deal between a seller and a
buyer will be considered separately, on the base of market situation and demand for a certain
cryptocurrency or fiat money. All of Art platform is very flexible and permits to easily introduce
any new kinds of cryptocurrencies.
Shipping of paintings will be conducted by a partner company of All Of Art all over the world.
Q4, 2017
Q1-Q2, 2018
Q2-Q3, 2018
Q4, 2018
Q1, 2019
Q2, 2019
Q3, 2019
Q4, 2019
検証済み 38%
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