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Ultimo aggiornamento

11 giu 2018

Il primo marketplace al mondo per le azioni in-game in cui chiunque può pagare i giocatori per i servizi all'interno dei giochi.


ClanPlay sta introducendo un nuovo marketplace per servizi all'interno di giochi (azioni in-game) in cui chiunque può pagare i giocatori per intraprendere azioni all'interno dei giochi. Il mercato creerà un nuovo sistema meritocratico in cui l'abilità nei giochi è finanziariamente preziosa in generale e qualsiasi giocatore fantastico, incluso il + 25% non pagato in tutto il mondo, può guadagnare giocando!

Prima di avviare il progetto Good Game, ClanPlay è diventato l'app con i punteggi più alti per i giocatori con 4,8 stelle e 1,5 milioni di utenti. La società è stata costituita 2 anni fa e ha raccolto investimenti azionari da leader del settore dei giochi, oltre a sovvenzioni governative per l'innovazione tecnologica.

Cosa rende Good Game un grande progetto?

  • ClanPlay ha un pubblico vasto e coinvolto, desideroso di essere pagato per le azioni nei giochi
  • ClanPlay ha una forte rete nel settore dei giochi e dozzine di sviluppatori di giochi che vogliono fare pubblicità sul mercato. 5 si sono già registrati come Future Advertisers, tra cui uno sviluppatore di unicorno
  • Il marketplace ha sink di velocità incorporati per tutti i partecipanti, ci sono motivazioni intrinseche per puntare e accumulare token
  • Il team ha svelato un prototipo completamente funzionale
  • A differenza della maggior parte degli altri progetti di giochi, GG vivrà all'interno di piattaforme mobili tradizionali (poiché affronta servizi e non oggetti virtuali) e servirà i più grandi giochi sulla Terra </span >



Direct Discovery Campaigns:

The Games advertising market is estimated at more than 60 billion USD per year. Unfortunately, these colossal budgets are spent with a handful of giant platforms that share none of it with the users clicking on the ads! The Good Game Marketplace will open up the ability for developers to pay players directly for discovering and then progressively engaging with their games.

The market will further enable developers to pay influencers such as YouTubers, streamers and power players - a share of revenues generated by players brought by them to the game. It is a great opportunity to help these influencers gain adequate rewards for the value they bring to the industry.


Peer to Peer Actions Trading:

Players and other interested parties can pay other players for services inside games. Example use-cases are leaders forming a new clan (a team) in a game and offering players (above a certain level) payment for joining and spending time in their clan; or creating rewarded

challenges for existing clan-members to incentivize and engage them onwards. Another example can be aspiring players paying mentors for spectating their match and guiding them through it.

Think how engaging and viral it can be. Say you are a person that cares for 10$ and you’ve just been paid 10$ to join a clan for a week. Would you ever join another clan that doesn’t pay you? No, of course not. And you will go around to all of your friends, to tell them how you’ve just made money playing games!

In a survey administered to more than 1,000 ClanPlay users from various countries, it became clear that there is indeed a demand for compensation for joining a clan, and on the other hand, desire for monetary tools to assist clan Recruitment. More than 3 quarters of players said they would consider joining a clan that pays them, and nearly half of clan leaders who spend money in the game, said they would consider paying a strong player to join their cause!


Cross-game Tournaments:

GG holders are given the power to setup action-based tournaments where the prize pool is split between participants. This exciting opportunity opens a whole new world of cross game competitions based on any in-game activity - any action that can be tracked, can be made into a tournament goal. With an automatic identification of winners and allocation of prizes and where tournaments can run across games and even, across platforms.

Think of the exciting opportunities unlocked in creating game triathlons where multi-talent teams would compete in a match that could span across Hearthstone, Fortnite and CS:GO for example.


Discovery for Indie Developers:

Indie developers that operate mostly underfunded are unable to cover the high costs of constantly acquiring players for their games; they rely on organic discovery and platform featuring in either the Apple Appstore or on Google Play. With close to 60,000 applications released every week to the mobile stores, getting a weekly spotlight among approximately 500 featured apps (across all categories and collections) is an elusive goal. Most developers cannot get the attention of the app stores teams and will never get their games featured.

ClanPlay aspires, along with fulfilling its financial goals, to contribute to the further development of the games industry by allocating a small portion of the tokens created towards promoting indie games, providing them with a valid and very relevant, source of discovery.

% name% Roadmap

  • September 2016

  • Company formed
  • July 2017

  • Received government grant for technological innovation
  • Nov 2017

  • Good Game Marketplace research initiated
  • April 2018

  • ClanPlay featured by Supercell inside Clash Royale (, reaches 1.5m users
  • Leggi di più
  • May 2018

  • Released Whitepaper, Unveiled marketplace fully functional prototype at Kin Hackathon (
  • June 2018

  • Pre-sale starts, 5 game developers join as Future Advertisers
  • Q3 2018

  • Private sale, Good Game tournaments for Clash Royale to launch for ClanPlay users
  • Q4 2018

  • Peer to Peer services trading launch, GG to trade on 2-3 exchanges
  • Q1 2019

  • Direct Discovery Campaigns to launch, 20-30 game developer advertisers, support 3rd party Authorization Nodes, GG to trade on 4-6 exchanges
  • Q2 2019

  • Marketplace to become a standalone platform, Peer to Peer contracts decentralized, GG to trade on 6-9 exchanges
  • Q3 2019

  • Direct Discovery Campaigns decentralized, Real-world items shop, GG to trade on 8-12 exchanges
  • Q4 2019

  • GG Tournaments decentralized, 50-100 top games supported, GG contracts monetization SDK, GG to trade in 10+ exchanges

Good Game [ICO CANCELED] Squadra

verificata 100%

Leonard (Leo) Franke...
Asaf Semo
Saar Cohen
Director of Client Development
Dmitry (Dima) Vorone...
Director of Integrations Architecture
Michael Krutoyarsky
iOS Development Team Leader
Ori Nabarro
Community Manager
Oleksii (Alex) Shyku...
Backend Developer


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Andrey Nayman
non verificato
Henric Suuronen
non verificato

Good Game [ICO CANCELED] Interviste

Leonard (Leo) Frankel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Having co-founded ClanPlay 2 years ago and observing the games industry in the last decade - it became apparent that there is an immediate need to place value on gamer skills and enable paying skilled gamers, even if unbanked. The Good Game marketplace will become the leading project for games, I have no doubt about it
Asaf Semo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As the CTO and coFounder of ClanPlay, and a passionate player, I love the idea of giving back to the gamers community.

ClanPlay is making a change in P2P, DD campaigns, and tournaments in the gaming industry.
Gaming companies will have a direct connection with their player and players will earn tokens for playing games.
We plan to move part of the big companies revenues back to the players.

We are using blockchain technology cause lot of the players are unbankable and it will add more security to the process, no need to give account details.
Saar Cohen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the director of client development at ClanPlay and research blockchain technologies.
I believe the GG marketplace will truly change the game advertising world, and will have a huge impact on gaming culture. I am proud to be a member of a team executing such a revolutionary project.
Dmitry (Dima) Voronenkov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My responsibility is a integration with games and other internal services.
The idea of paid in-game action is very interesting and has an exciting future.
Michael Krutoyarsky
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Since GG addresses services and not virtual items, it will live inside mainstream mobile platforms, unlike most other blockchain game projects. This is a very exciting concept for me as an iOS developer and gamer.
Ori Nabarro
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The Good Game Marketplace has the potential to revolutionize the gaming world. Allows many players to earn something from trying out and playing in games they love.
Oleksii (Alex) Shykun
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I believe that our revolutionary approach will change the esports world. The Good Game Marketplace is a new platform where skillful players can be rewarded for their time and efforts.

Good Game [ICO CANCELED] Ultime novità

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