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La nebbia ICO è il primo schema di crittografia per proteggere la riservatezza delle transazioni utilizzando la crittografia avanzata e la combinazione di token autoregolabile con contratti intelligenti. Essendo un marker ERC 20 compatibile con etere, la nebbia non può essere considerata la violazione crittografica più distribuita e sicura che enfatizza la privacy. La nebbia è una crittografia avanzata, chiusa e sicura compatibile con ERC 20, in esecuzione sulla rete Ethereum. Dopo la tappa di Metropolis Ethereum, una delle funzioni principali che compongono il sistema è zk - SNARK. Questa è la tecnologia che Zcash utilizza per ottenere transazioni private. Prima Eriam aveva la stessa abilità, Fogg ha iniziato a usare queste abilità.
1 ott 2018
1 gen 2019
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
  • 400 FOG
    1 ETH
Dettagli del token
dettagli aggiuntivi


Fog is the first cryptocurrency that protects the privacy of your transactions by employing advanced cryptography and self-regulated token mixing via smart contract. As an ERC20-compliant token running on the Ethereum network, Fog is unrivaled and primed to be the most decentralized and secure privacy-centric cryptocurrency.Fog is an advanced, private, and secure ERC20-compliant cryptocurrency running on the Ethereum network. With the Metropolis phase of Ethereum nearing completion, one of the main features being that is being incorporated is zk-SNARKs, which is the technology that Zcash uses to achieve private transactions. Ethereum will soon have the same abilities, and Fog has been made to put those abilities to use.

Ethereum's ability to run smart contracts allows Fog to take the privacy of Zcash and expand on it in ways never before possible. The Fog Internal Mixer (Intermix) is a smart contract token mixing pool that is similar to Zcash's shielded pool, but on a grand scale. However, it is 100% decentralized, automatic, and requires zero trust.

25% of all FOG tokens that will ever exist are held in the Intermix. All encrypted Fog transactions are sent to the Intermix and automatically mixed with the 12.5 million FOG tokens that it will permanently hold. When one goes in one goes out, but never the same one. By design, the Intermix will always have the same amount of FOG tokens. As sophisticated and technical a process as it is, from the user's point of view it is no different than sending or receiving any other coin or token. All the work happens behind the scenes seamlessly.

A user makes a private transaction by using the Fog Wallet, which encrypts and sends a zero-knowledge proof (encrypted transaction information) to the Intermix which resides on the Ethereum network, safe from any 3rd party interference. The When the encrypted transaction is received by the Intermix, the transaction information is decrypted without ever publicly revealing the transaction information.

When a recipient of a Fog transaction receives a payment, it is paid to them by the Intermix with completely different tokens than those which were sent by the sender. Blockchain analysis tools are ineffective and show no link between the sender/reciver. The amount that the Intermix sends is always exactly the same amount it received, so the amount/percentage of FOG the Intermix holds will always stay the same. This system is the Fog protocol and intended to be open source.

Everything Fog does is completely automatic and just works. Please read the Whitepaper for technical details.


La nebbia utilizza la più potente crittografia basata sulla privacy utilizzata dalle cryptocurrencies più sicure e incentrate sulla privacy. Tutto il sollevamento pesante avviene dietro le quinte nel Fog Wallet e consente un'esperienza utente senza interruzioni. Sfruttare la potenza della rete Ethereum rende Fog la criptovaluta più sicura e incentrata sulla privacy esistente. Con la forza immutabile dei contratti intelligenti, puoi fidarti che ogni transazione funzionerà come previsto ogni volta. Tutti i portafogli conformi a ERC20 possono inviare e ricevere FOG utilizzando metodi di trasferimento token standard. Le informazioni sulle transazioni sono schermate in una prova a conoscenza zero prima di essere trasmesse alla blockchain e ricevute dal Fog Intermix

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

FOG Squadra

verificata 100%

Nick Burns
Founder & CEO

FOG Interviste

Nick Burns
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a founder, I have been able to witness the project from when it was just an idea to a fully fleshed-out idea. It is exciting to see where this is heading.
What do you think about idea?
Innovative. The community is in great need of a privacy-centric coin that is secure and simple to use. Fog makes no compromises and isn't delegated to a small niche blockchain.

FOG Ultime novità

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