

Created using Figma
PugLife is a community-driven coin, which wants to give back to its community through charity donations, voted for by the community, as well as the unbelievable giveaways.
To be announced
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Tentang Puglife

PugLife is a community-driven DeFi token with 2% redistribution on each transaction, as well as making your coin more valuable with a 0.5% burn on transactions.

As they say, you don’t choose the Pug Life, the Pug Life chooses you. The cryptocurrency universe is vast, prosperous, democratized, and highly accessible to everyone.

Or is it?

Decentralized Finance emerged with one major motive in mind. To truly achieve decentralization and make sure that anyone can benefit from the various financial opportunities available, that traditional finance has failed to provide the people.

In Decentralized Finance, people are not just numbers, they are not just their bank accounts and social security numbers, they are people. And each person has the right and freedom to earn money

Puglife Tim

Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Luke Harris
Co founder & Shareholder
tidak diverifikasi
Lewis Ashton
Operations & Co founder
tidak diverifikasi
Director & Social
tidak diverifikasi
Mathew Thomas
CRM & Co Founder
tidak diverifikasi

Puglife Berita terakhir

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