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Pembaharuan Terakhir

13 Agu 2018

Photochain merevolusi status quo perdagangan fotografi. Ini adalah platform gambar peer-to-peer terdesentralisasi pada blockchain dengan kondisi yang adil, mekanisme insentif yang menarik, biaya terendah di pasar dan kontrol penuh atas konten, harga dan jenis lisensi untuk fotografer. Pada database IPFS Photochain, setiap foto yang diunggah ditautkan ke seorang fotografer melalui transaksi blockchain. Tautan ini tidak dapat dihapus atau dimanipulasi dengan cara apa pun. Photochain berada di posisi terdepan dan siap untuk mengganggu industri fotografi yang dimonopoli dengan tim dan dewan penasihat yang hebat, berpengalaman dan berpengaruh.

Kami baru-baru ini memenangkan tempat ke-3 dalam Kompetisi Pitch ICO di Kepemimpinan Blockchain. Berkat MVP demo kami yang menarik, para juri dapat melihat secara persis seperti apa produk akhir nantinya selain apa yang akan kami raih bagi para fotografer.

Kami bermitra dengan Kebun Binatang Blockchain yang berperingkat tinggi (3 perusahaan konsultan blockchain terkemuka di seluruh dunia).
ICO main sale - part 2
17 Agu 2018
7 Sep 2018
100% lengkap
$5 040 000
23% tujuan lengkap
Tujuan 21 600 000.00 USD
ICO main sale - part 1
1 Apr 2018
8 Jun 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Topi keras 27 600 000.00 USD
Private Presale
1 Jan 2018
31 Jan 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
  • 1 PHT
    0.0003 ETH
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
detil tambahan
MVP / Prototipe
iya nih
We use Ethereum public blockchain and IPFS protocol.
iya nih
Peron, Media, Hiburan, Seni

Tentang Photochain

Photochain is a blockchain based, peer-to-peer platform for stock photography. Using blockchain technology, Photochain returns the control over licensing, copyright, and trading back to photographers. Mediated by Smart Contracts, Photochain enables a fairer, more efficient, and secure transaction directly between artists and buyers.

Photochain is created around 4 key pillars:

P2P Marketplace

We want buyers and sellers determine their own terms of sale, so we allow them to trade directly with one another. Using blockchain to remove the need for costly processing, we guarantee photographers to receive 95% of the earnings from their works.

Easy Onboarding

A simple identity verification for all photographers. Unlike with traditional photostocks which require lots of prerequisites, a user can be actively selling work in minutes. The removal of prerequisites further allows the platform to be fully accessible and profitable to hobby, amateur and professional photographers alike.

Digital Copyright Chain

Our decentralized database ensures each uploaded photo is hashed into the blockchain and permanently linked to its owner. This link cannot be changed removed or manipulated in any way. Any further uploaded image is also hashed and compared to the existing DCC for copyright fraud. Additionally due to the permanent link, any misuse of the image outside of paid licenses is easily detectable.

Crypto Economy

We are helping to build a crypto economy, where we have more control over our data. A fairer economy where you are rewarded for your work. We believe photographers deserve fair compensation for their efforts and their creativity.

Photochain gives clear advantages over conventional photo stocks to both kinds of users: contributors and customers. Contributors at Photochain benefit from an extremely low fee - only 5% of the selling price. This opportunity to keep 95% of the final sale price allows contributors to offer their work cheaper, and consequently the market becomes more affordable for customers. This type of fair market not only benefits the users, but should benefit the photography industry as a whole, as the possibility of increased income incentivizes contributors to perform better.

These profound market changes are only made possible by using blockchain technology, Smart Contracts, machine learning and Photochain’s own user community. Most of the processes become automated and decentralized, significantly reducing costs of platform governance. It’s unavoidable that more and more stock photography contributors and customers will prefer to use Photochain.


Untuk detail lebih lanjut tentang Kasus Bisnis kami dan teknologi di balik platform kami, silakan baca whitepaper kami .

Kami menjamin 95% dari pendapatan untuk setiap karya yang terjual jatuh ke pemilik yang sah dari karya tersebut. Fotografer melakukan semua kerja keras, jadi mengapa kita harus mengambil penghasilan.

Kami akan membayar penjual fotografer maksimal 10 detik. Ini sangat baik dibandingkan dengan platform fotografi stok yang ada yang dapat memakan waktu hingga 1 bulan untuk memproses pembayaran. & Nbsp;

& nbsp; Periode verifikasi kurang dari 10 menit. Juga tanpa kerumitan dan perjanjian hukum yang diharapkan oleh pemain yang ada di industri dari Anda, yang bisa memakan waktu hingga 2 minggu untuk memverifikasi. & Nbsp; & nbsp; Anda dapat menetapkan harga Anda sendiri di dalam platform untuk karya Anda sendiri. Anda tahu nilai pekerjaan Anda, mengapa Anda harus membiarkan orang lain memutuskan ini. & Nbsp; & nbsp; Perlindungan hak cipta melalui rantai hak cipta digital kami. Blockchain memungkinkan pelacakan kepemilikan digital sehingga semua penggunaan foto Anda yang tidak sah segera terdeteksi. & nbsp; Kami telah berinovasi di setiap langkah rantai penjualan stockphotography. Pembatasan yang dimiliki petahana pada fotografer mereka menyebabkan banyak fotografer tidak mau menggunakannya. Dengan menciptakan platform yang tampak dan adil untuk perdagangan fotografi, kami memastikan fotografer dari semua jenis (pemula, hobi, amatir, dan profesional) dapat memperoleh penghasilan yang adil untuk karya-karya mereka. & nbsp;

Info Teknis

Untuk detail lebih lanjut tentang Kasus Bisnis kami dan teknologi di balik platform kami, silakan baca surat kabar kami .

& nbsp;

Persyaratan Dapp Photochain

Ini adalah persyaratan desain untuk Photochain DApp. Persyaratan dihasilkan dari masalah terkini dengan fotografi microstock.

  1. Badan pemerintahan terdesentralisasi: Jaringan Photochain DApp harus didesentralisasi.
  2. Keamanan: Transaksi dimaksudkan agar aman dan dapat diverifikasi setiap saat untuk artis dan pembeli.
  3. Penyimpanan Terdesentralisasi: Data transaksi, serta semua karya digital yang diperdagangkan di Photochain DApp, harus disimpan secara desentralisasi dan dienkripsi. Photochain akan menggunakan protokol IPFS dan Photochain DB (lihat bab 3.9 ).
  4. Konten: Jaringan ini ditujukan khusus untuk perdagangan fotografi stok. Secara khusus, konten yang menyinggung seperti pornografi tidak akan diizinkan.
  5. Ketentuan Lisensi: & nbsp; Kepatuhan terhadap hak cipta harus dipastikan.

Arsitektur DApp Photochain

Persyaratan yang tercantum dapat direalisasikan secara teknis melalui DApp berdasarkan Blockchain. Eksekusi transaksi yang benar, serta aturan platform, diwujudkan melalui penggunaan Kontrak Cerdas. Persyaratan 4 dan 5 akan direalisasikan menggunakan visi komputer dan algoritma pembelajaran mesin.

Di sini, kami akan mengandalkan blockchain Ethereum ketika datang ke Photochain, karena kami terkesan dengan fleksibilitas, keandalan platform, dan keberhasilan jangka panjang platform. Dukungan global Ethereum oleh Ethereum Alliance < span style = "font-weight: 400;"> menyiratkan penerimaan industri lintas disiplin yang luas dan menawarkan bukti yang diperlukan untuk keberadaan jangka panjang platform ini.

% name% Roadmap

  • April 2017 - Idea

  • Idea, business case and market research
  • June 2017 - Project evaluation

  • Development of the DApp prototype
  • September 2017 - Strategy & Design

  • Go-Live of the DApp prototype
  • October-November 2017 - Preparation for crowdsale

  • Communication and marketing activities
    Commitment of the Blockchain Community
    Commitment of the photography community
    Legal form
    Advisers and new team members
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • December 2017 - Pre-Sale preparations

  • Private Pre-Sale at special discounts for eraly supporters
  • January 2018 - Private Pre-Sale preparations

  • Private Pre-Sale at special discounts for early supporters
    Enhanced documentation and planning
    New team members
    Community growing
    New partnerships
  • February 2018 - Transition

  • Preparation for Main Sale Event
    Compliance and regulations
    Developing a more comprehensive Photochain DAPP version
  • Q1 2018 - Main Sale event (ICO)

  • Publishing of new collaboration partners

    Regulatory compliance for our Main Sale Event
  • Q2 2018 - Operation

  • Photochain DApp Version 1.0 on the Ethereum
    Trading of the PHT Tokens at Crypto Exchanges
  • Q3 2018 - Continual improvement

  • Photochain DApp as standalone client on all common operating systems

Photochain Tim

Diverifikasi 100%

Fredi Lienhardt
Photographer Relationships Officer
Sebastian Schuhl
Stanislav Stolberg
Haris Rana
Chief Copywriter


$13 300 000

Ralf Gerteis
Business Development
Jakub Stefański
Dr. Jeannette Heiner...
Artur Gugelew
Financial Strategy Manager
Brian Colwell
Blockchain Evangelist


$58 000 000

Dylan Sharkey
Sales and Investment Relations
Samuel Manzanera
Technology and Software Architecture Analyst


$5 040 000

Peter Lai
Blockchain Developer


Diverifikasi 85%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim


$6 121 236

Lee Willson
Blockchain Advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Lars Schulze
Digital Marketing Advisor
tidak diverifikasi


$5 040 000

Marcus Schmitt
ICO Advisor


$13 797 600

Roberto Capodieci
Blockchain and Investor Relations Advisor


$10 360 000

Ilya Anikin
ICO, Investment and Strategy Advisor


$6 719 521

Sven Moeller
ICO Strategy Adviser


$5 040 000

Alexander Sverdlov
Security Adviser
Audrey Baverel
Crypto Tax & Accounting Adviser
Paulo Renato Dallagn...
Legal Adviser
Charles Becquet
Chang Liu
Assoc. Prof. at Ohio University
Jared Polites
Stratgey and PR Adviser


$5 040 000

Alex Fedosseev

Mantan anggota

Arthur Ishmetev
Blockchain Developer

Photochain Wawancara

Fredi Lienhardt
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a photography evangelist I am not only building a bridge to the photographer's community, but also make sure, coupled with my photography, technology and digital experience, to shape the product in the right direction. Stock photography and photography licensing, I believe, is ready for disruption. Heavy-weight middle players dictate and dominate the market - something we want to not only change, but also to open up to more photographers by providing a simple, fair and transparent service.
Marcus Schmitt
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Photochain will use blockchain technology of the COPYTRACK Global Copyright Register in order to proof ownership and licensing - that is a great use case and cooperation and shows that blockchain technology is made for this industry purpose.
Roberto Capodieci
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Blockchain applications, and decentralized applications in general, require a different architecture compared to centralized applications. Several years of my personal experience in deploying decentralized applications, and with the team at Blockchain Zoo, can offer help in implementing Photochain to be a successful dApp.
Ilya Anikin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Investment and Strategy Advisor
Sebastian Schuhl
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm heading the Marketing Strategy of Photochain, making sure the platform is built on strong support of the photographer community.
Stanislav Stolberg
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the CEO and founder of Photochain
Haris Rana
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As the CMO of Photochain it is my job to lead marketing activities. Currently photostocks do not favour the photographers. With their rigid systems, they make it harder for beginners to make a decent living from their art, which I think is highly unfair. Photochain brings the power back to the photographers so that they can control their own fate in the photography industry much better. We’ve already received a high interest from photographers and I believe we’ll be able to take a good portion of the stock photography market.
Ralf Gerteis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm very proud to be part of the succcessful Photochain mission since early stage. I am responsible for the area of Business Development and strongly support in all ICO strategy questions as well as international cooperation partners.
I am fully convinced the blockchain-based Photochain peer-to-peer stock photography platform will revolutionize the status quo. I am happy that we have such a strong and dedicated team and board and that we can also publicly present our demo system (on Ethereum Testnet, using IPFS storage tech) on our website.
Jakub Stefański
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm honored to participate in Stock Photography revolution. As a CTO at Photochain, I can combine my passion for software craftsmanship, Blockchain Technology, and Digital Photography to deliver the first fair peer-to-peer stock photography platform.
Dr. Jeannette Heinert
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am responsible for communication und partner relations. I am honored to be the part of this great team und to make this venture a great success!
Artur Gugelew
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am proud to be a member of the great Photochain Team!
Brian Colwell
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the digital marketing advisor for Photochain and believe that this is not your typical ICO project.
Dylan Sharkey
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I leverage my experience of building businesses for LinkedIn in Europe and the Middle East to help Photochain scale rapidly. This includes monetization strategy, hiring top talent, building the sales and marketing organisation and investor relations.
Samuel Manzanera
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role in the ICO is to do audit, advisotry and development in Photochain smart contract and dApp.

The idea behind Photochain is really great to offer an unique online decentralized photo stock which rewards authors with respect, transparence and honesty.
This project can become very big with a lot of interesting features in the photo world and decentralized applications.

The ICO provide an opportunity for artists to promote their content direct to customers without intermediaries and ensure the security of thoses exchanges.
Peter Lai
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Photochain will be the biggest photo stock and market on blockchain.
Sven Moeller
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am an Advisor! Great Team, great project!
Alexander Sverdlov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am making sure that the Photochain infrastructure and business practices remain secure and vigilant against cyber attacks.
Audrey Baverel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role is to cover the tax and accounting aspects of Photochain project during and post ICO
Photochain is the disruptive solution to restore the fair value to photographers creation
Paulo Renato Dallagnol
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Photochain is a game-changer in the stock photography industry, by finally tipping the scales in favour of the individual creator and photographer, instead of allowing only the big players to profit.

A lawyer specialised in intellectual property and copyright law, I find that the mechanisms devised by the Photochain team coupled with Blockchain technology make it ideal for claiming and asserting legal copyright and for identifying copyright violations.
Charles Becquet
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hi, I'm helping the team on the go-to-market strategy as an expert of the photo licensing market. I worked at Shutterstock in the past and know well this market.
Leveraging the blockchain to discrupt this market is a brilliant idea that will have for sure a lot of traction.
The Photochain team is ready to solve the main pro and cons for buyers and sellers.
They are one of the very few blockchain projects that have already a working demo.
Best, Charles
Chang Liu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm interested in the technical aspect of the app implementation and user experience.
Jared Polites
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The team is what first drew me into the project as well as the vision to revolutionize the stock photo industry. As a content creator, myself, I have seen many pain points with the major stock photo platforms and it was exciting to see how blockchain could help revolutionize this.
Alex Fedosseev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I participated in early-days planning of Photochain ICO and shared my experience running ICO for my company 1World Online as well as general strategy.
Post-ICO we plan to integrate Photochain and 1World platforms as there is a clear case of using Blockchain powered stock images from Photochain in 1World interactive tools for variety of customers.
Great project overall!

Photochain Berita terakhir

5.0 6
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

Photochain provides an opportunity for artists to come up with their own terms and sell their
photos straight to their customers. It is a decentralized system that uses Smart Contracts
centered on Ethereum block chain to ensure the security of exchanges on the platform. The
integration of block chain into the platform eliminates a centralized authority, an issue that
characterizes traditional stock photography platforms.

1. Artists are charged extremely low fees; a mere 5 % of the selling price. With 95% of the
amount, the artists are able to offer photos at a cheaper price to woo more customers.
2. When contributors lower prices due to low fees, customers benefit from affordable products.
They can get a lot of photos for an amount they would otherwise purchase just a few.
3. Increased income incentives motive more artists to venture into photography making the
entire industry vibrant.
4. Artists will strengthen their copyright using Photochain Digital Copyright Chain. All their
works are tired of their name and the same will be visible to all users assuring artist’s ownership
of the images.
5. Processes on the platform are reduced to a bare minimum so as to guarantee simplicity
and transparency to both the consumer and the contributor.
6. In addition to revenue for their photos, a contributor can get a commission by acting as a
moderator (and hence resolving an infringement claim on the platform).
7. The platform incorporates a reliable and high-tech system for blocking inappropriate and
pornographic content thus protecting consumers from offensive content.
8. Photochain Buyer Module utilizes Computer Vision Algorithm thus making images
searchable using a broad range of criteria. Buyers, therefore, have an easy time searching for

1. The platform is only oriented towards photography. Contributors who create various
contents will have to use other platforms alongside Photochain.
2. It does not incorporate affiliate program that would otherwise market the platform a
larger number of users.
3. When five moderators vote in favor of an accuser of copyright infringement the plaintiff’s,
account is closed without an opportunity to appeal.

1. Introduce programs that will be used by other related platforms so as to reach out to
other users.
2. Diversify to other types of arts to allow multitalented artists to use the platform for all
their works.
3. For fairness, the platform should give persons accused of infringement claims an
opportunity to appeal the decision of moderators.

Baca lebih banyak
Ian Scarffe
Blockchain ICO Consultant / Advisor. Founder at Crypto Consulting and Investments LTD.
This idea has a lot of potential, it's certainly an area that can benefit greatly from blockchain technology. A strong team and a good set of advisors are leading this
Baca lebih banyak
Simon Cocking
Editor in Chief, Cryptocoin.News

It's a compelling idea, and a good example of a viable blockchain usecase. Team looks well fleshed out, challenge will be to execute faster than others - as they will not be the only people trying to pull this off.

Baca lebih banyak
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