What is PeerBanks?
First important asset service which provides a provably-fair and transparent, web-based Waves Platform, code is decentralized and immutable, thanks to the nature of the Waves protocol. Our smart contract layer runs entirely on the Waves Blockchain. • Auditable • Transparent • Verifiable The Decentralized Nature of Waves protocol ensures that PeerBanks is immutable and always available, with no possibility of downtime via DDOS attacks, hosting issues, or other forms of intended interruption to the service.
Will works in conjunction with IRA Companies, so that people can create a retirement fund, in a time of 10 to 20 years. Was founded in June 2017, comes to our lives as a support, for when we no longer have the strength to continue working, be able to withdraw with our Peerbanks acquired in this valuable time of the year 2017. Thinking about the future and what lies before us, is a concern Which we all have on a daily basis, but with Peerbanks asset, all these concerns are from the past. Each Peerbanks will have a pre-sale cost between 20 Waves and 22 Waves According to the projections of a virtual currency of limited edition and with a specific function, we think that it could have an increase of 5 to 10 years possibly of up to 1000 Waves, as well as the Bitcoin, you can get your Peerbanks in Waves Dex Platform.
PeerBanks (Asset) ICO
First (IRA) retirement fund for a secure future
It is the first asset designed for the use of (IRA Companies) retirement or pension funds worldwide
Issuance of PeerBanks Assets: 1, 000, 000 Asset
Maximum transaction amount per Person or Institution: 1,000 Peerbanks (20,000 Waves)
Bonuses: in the first two weeks the participants will get a 1% Assets bonus Bounty: 690,000
Assets (0.5% of issuance) Total Sale goal: 13, 800, 000 Waves
Minimal Sale goal: 7, 000, 000 Waves
PeerBanks is an ICO (Initial Coin Offering), blockchain asset that has been issued on the Waves
blockchains. It is swappable upon command by utilizing Incent Blockswap technology. It is the
native currency of the Waves Asset Tip-Bot.
The total supply of PeerBanks is 1, 000, 000.00
PeerBanks (Asset) ICO
Supply: 1,000,000 Assets
Allocation for Participants: 69%
Allocation for Team: 1%
Allocation for companies IRA: 30%
- Ini swappable atas perintah dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Incent Blockswap
- Ini adalah mata uang asli dari the Waves Asset Tip-Bot
- Reissuable asset per supply kebanyakan perusahaan IRA di seluruh dunia dan negara-negara yang menarik dalam penggunaan Anda untuk IRA setelah jangka waktu 20 sampai 30 tahun, dengan tujuan menjaga nilai PeerBanks, dapat dibeli dengan harga saat ini
Diverifikasi 0%
Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim
It’s very difficult to understand the PeerBanks business model based on all of the information available online at this time. The English whitepaper is nonsensical in many parts, and it’s difficult to figure out how the platform works. The parts we do understand sound unrealistic. PeerBanks, for example, claims to grow your initial investment by 200,000% in 5 to 10 years, allowing you to live your entire retirement based solely off a PeerBanks investment.
PeerBanks has an ICO scheduled for July 18 to August 22, with a second ICO scheduled for the beginning of September.
There’s a possibility that PeerBanks is a scam. There’s no information about the founding team on the official website or whitepaper, and the only address we could find is for a nondescript office building in suburban Miami that was previously linked to title loan scams. Other signs of a scam include the poorly-worded whitepaper and the absurd investment promises – like the fact that your investment will grow by 200,000% in 5 to 10 years, which is ridiculous.
Ultimately, it’s hard to understand anything about PeerBanks or their business model based on what we can find online at this point in time. Visit PeerBanks.org to learn more about the platform and how it claims to work.
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Jika Anda memiliki masalah tentang sifat, kepatutan atau legalitas penjualan token ini atau orang-orang yang terlibat di dalamnya, hubungi info@icoholder.com dengan informasi rinci tentang masalah Anda. p> div>