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23 Okt 2018

NOVAM menggunakan teknologi ledger terdistribusi dan AI untuk secara otomatis memonitor dan mengurangi ancaman IoT dari rantai boot yang aman, sistem operasi, aplikasi seluler, dan jaringan. NOVAM juga menyediakan audit & integrasi kepatuhan peraturan untuk layanan pemantauan dan deteksi ancaman untuk memastikan acara sistem dimasukkan pada buku besar yang tidak dapat diubah.

NOVAM adalah program cybersecurity buatan Intelejen Buatan pertama yang memanfaatkan DLT untuk meningkatkan akurasi pemeriksaan kesehatannya. NOVAM tidak hanya menemukan anomali tetapi juga memperbaikinya untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan teknologi Anda, dan bahkan menghilangkan ancaman tanpa pengetahuan sebelumnya tentang bahaya yang ada. Menggunakan pembelajaran mesin dan matematika probabilistik, kami berencana untuk menawarkan sistem keamanan yang selalu siaga, selalu hadir dan perangkat agnostik.
10 Des 2018
10 Jan 2019
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Tujuan 2 076 923.00 USD
  • 1 MNVM
    0.06 USD
Detail Token
Total pasokan
Distribusi Token
● Long Term Budget 20.00%
● Bounty Program 1.00%
● Marketing 19.00%
● Advisors 5.00%
● Private/Pre-sale 15.00%
● Public Sale 30.00%
● Team Members 10.00%
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Kontribusi Min
Detail Perusahaan
Perusahaan Didirikan
Oct 23, 2018
Struktur Bonus
Phase 1 - bonus 30%
Phase 2 - bonus 20%
Phase 3 - bonus 10%
detil tambahan
Daftar putih
iya nih , dari Oct 23, 2018 sampai Jan 10, 2019
iya nih

Tentang Novam

Tentang Novam

Karena orang dan organisasi tidak dapat terus tidak terlindungi dari serangan cyber & ndash; dan hidup dalam gelembung bukanlah pilihan, NOVAM mengambil inspirasi dari ketahanan bawaan dan pembersihan yang digunakan sistem kekebalan manusia untuk menghilangkan ancaman dan memastikan kesehatan. NOVAM memantau seluruh jaringan, infrastruktur, dan titik akhir untuk membangun pandangan penuh komunikasi dan ancaman global. Kecuali NOVAM diterapkan sejak awal, kami menganggap pengguna, perangkat, dan jaringan sudah dikompromikan & ndash; dan segera memulai rencana aksi yang disesuaikan. Apakah Anda seorang blue chip, startup yang sedang naik daun atau di suatu tempat di antaranya, NOVAM adalah sistem kekebalan yang tidak boleh ada bisnis yang hidup tanpa itu.

NOVAM melindungi titik akhir dan jaringan dengan memantau dan memitigasi ancaman secara otomatis di perangkat global Internet of Things (IoT). Kami juga menawarkan tim keamanan dan departemen manajemen risiko perusahaan platform penyelidikan keamanan forensik untuk audit dan kepatuhan melalui Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). NOVAM beroperasi pada tingkat bootloader yang menghubungkan perangkat IoT ke blockchain untuk memastikan melalui hash bahwa sistem operasi dan perangkat keras tidak terkompromikan.

Pembelajaran mesin NOVAM, matematika probabilistik, taktik dan metode yang menunggu paten dapat memungkinkan tindakan tanpa sepengetahuan ancaman sebelumnya. Secara proaktif, NOVAM dirancang untuk mengidentifikasi, memantau, mengingatkan, dan dalam beberapa kasus memulai respons sistem kekebalan yang secara otomatis memitigasi, menghilangkan, menggantikan atau mengkarantina ancaman. Fokus NOVAM: vendor perangkat keras, vendor perangkat lunak, dan produk keamanan siber. NOVAM Token adalah lisensi perangkat lunak utilitas yang menyediakan akses ke jaringan dan platform kami untuk layanan yang mencakup pemantauan dan mitigasi ancaman, audit, dan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan. Teknologi NOVAM memungkinkan pemeriksaan kesehatan sistem untuk tujuan otentikasi dan verifikasi pengguna, perangkat, dan jaringan. & Nbsp;


A NOVAM token is used as a software license to record health checks, authenticate a chain of trust, and mitigate threats while allowing for forensic, regulatory compliance and auditing capabilities. Using patent-pending technology, our software allows for unprecedented monitoring and security identification across all IoT devices and environments at any given time. Giving companies better visibility and flexibility. NOVAM’s health checks enable users, devices and applications to verify that software packages and hardware components are uncompromised and unmodified by malware or other cyberthreats, across the entire secure boot chain and run-time on a device.    

% name% Roadmap

  • 2017

  • Q3 - Ideation & Research
    Q4 - Market research with IoT manufacturers
  • 2018

  • Q1 - Market research, Whitepaper creation
    Q2 - R&D, Marketing prep, Advisor consultations, Legal
    Q3 - Pre-Sale & Public Token Sale prep, Legal, Marketing campaign
    Q4 - Build team, system health check development, bootloader development
  • 2019

  • Q1 - AI R&D, system health check private testing, additional partnerships, job openings
    Q2 - NOVAM TestNet, AI network development, system health check TestNet private partner testing, job openings
    Q3 - API build out, Analytics platform build starts
    Q4 - Analytics platform and API testing with NOVAM TestNet
  • 2020

  • Q1 - AI network NOVAM TestNet, beta health check TestNet
    Q2 - Rapid expansion to new markets
    Q3 - AI Productization, Health Check Productization
    Q4 - Marketing increase for new partnerships and clients

Novam Tim

Diverifikasi 100%

Adam Perschke
Chief Executive Officer
Ian Perschke
Head Enterprise Architect
Brooks Mcmillin
Head of Security Operations
Ty Bartholomew
Head of Marketing

Novam Wawancara

Adam Perschke
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the CEO of NOVAM, a distributed cybersecurity company. My goal is to successfully build, deploy, and partner with enterprise in various industries to secure IoT devices worldwide from daily threats to both enterprise and consumers.

My background is in corporate innovation, providing guidance to the U.S. Department of Defense: National Security Technology Accelerator (MD5), Amazon, T-Mobile, Toyota Connected among other Fortune 500 companies.

I enjoy bringing together skilled teams paired with the knowledge to build innovative products and services that change the way we think about security and identity and access management (IAM).
What do you think about idea?
Our research started when the Mirai botnet occurred in 2016. Blockchain was in its infancy and IoT products were beginning to take the worldwide stage as potential security threats to enterprise and consumers.

Our company is building the products and services from the ground up working with enterprise and software developers to enable safe and secure IoT devices for the future.

We are implementing System Health Checks within the bootloader of an IoT device to validate firmware and software and any changes using Distributed Ledger Technology. We not only check the bootloader of a device but also the operating system and application layer for intrusions and malicious changes.
Ian Perschke
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Engagement with enterprise customers to develop the product within the framework of the individual projects each customer has.
What do you think about idea?
IoT security has been ignored mostly because it is not an easy problem to solve, devices are diverse. At NOVAM we are proposing a solution to the IoT security problem.
Brooks McMillin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I primarily head the security team to ensure NOVAM operates in a secure manner, I also lead some of the development efforts to add security to IoT Devices.
What do you think about idea?
NOVAM provides secure boot and health check capabilities to IoT devices to ensure they are operating in an uncompromised environment.
Ty Bartholomew
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the head of Marketing here at NOVAM. I've been with the team since inception and I help guide our marketing and PR efforts.
What do you think about idea?
NOVAM uses distributed ledger technology and AI to automatically monitor and mitigate IoT threats from the secure boot chain, operating system, mobile application and network. NOVAM also provides auditing & regulatory compliance integration to threat monitoring and detection services to ensure system events are included on an immutable distributed ledger.

NOVAM is the first Artificial Intelligence driven cybersecurity program utilizing DLT to increase the accuracy of its health check. NOVAM not only finds anomalies but also fixes them to boost your tech-immunity system, and even removes threats without prior knowledge of existing danger. Using machine learning and probabilistic mathematics, we plan to offer a security system that is ever-alert, always present and device agnostic.

Novam Berita terakhir

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