Our goal is to create a system that integrates customers of different service companies in the travel, leisure, fashion, culture, and other lifestyle industries through the blockchain.
In the face of intense competition, most companies in the lifestyle sector offer rewards such as mileage points in order to encourage customers to reuse their services and raise customer loyalty.
However, since reward points can lead to the granting company’s burden, they are normally about 1% of the original payment. Therefore, using a certain service for a few times doesn’t actually benefit user with the rewards. For this reason, securing regular customers with mileage points is not a satisfactory marketing strategy for service companies.
Our platform will function as a square by integrating mileage points from different services and providing means to trade them interchangeably. It will gather small amounts of spread mileage points of various services into a meaningful amount and support the users’ ability to trade these points according to their needs. In this way, our platform will make users to benefit from mileage points more substantially.
We will make integration and transaction of mileage points happen seamlessly by using reliable and fascinating methods powered by the blockchain.
In addition, we will create an ecosystem that will allow the participating service companies on the platform to both attract new customers and lock-in loyal customers through co-marketing and integration of services. Our platform will be more influential as number of participating companies from various industries grow and being part of it will become a large factor that differentiates participants from their competitors that are doing only independent marketing.
This project is supported through the joint efforts of Yanolja (the unrivaled leisure platform in Korea), Lambda 256 (which operates Luniverse and is a subsidiary of Dunamu, the owner of the crypto exchange, Upbit), and Key-Inside (which has proven its technical expertise in enterprise-blockchain development). We are also in discussions with market leaders of various industries, and the number of participating companies will continue to grow. Through this project, we will demonstrate how blockchain technology and the real economy can be combined and used in the real world.
Q3 2018
Q1 2019
Q2 2019
Q2-Q3 2019
Q4 2019
Diverifikasi 0%
Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim
MiL.k overview
MiL.k is a blockchain-based lifestyle point integration platform that allows users to integrate mileage points from various services and provides means to trade them interchangeably. Users can buy mileage points they need at a discounted price on MiL.k platform.
MiL.k has already announced several major strategic partnerships that will help the project adoption:
Service Partners
▪️Yanolja - the No.1 OTA (Online Travel Agency) in Korea which recently has been a unicorn, is a co-initiator of the MiL.k project. Yanolja has 3M monthly active users and multiple partnerships with global OTAs such as Expedia, Booking Holdings, C-trip, etc.
▪️Delivery Car - a car-sharing service of Hyundai Motor Group. Delivery Car has partnerships with more than 250 rental car agencies in Korea and also selected as the official operator of “Nanum Car” by Seoul city recently.
▪️Seoul Airport Limousine - the largest airport limo service in Korea with 20M annual users and operates the “Airport Limousine” App.
▪️And more. The MiL.k team is in a process of discussing further partnerships with major credit card companies, airlines, movie theater franchise, F&B group, etc.
Technical Partners
▪️Lambda 256 - a tech subsidiary of Dunamu (the operator of Upbit). Moreover, Dunamu is a co-initiator of the MiL.k project. MiL.k utilizes Lambda256’s BaaS (Blockchain as a service), Luniverse to connect MiL.k platform to external crypto exchanges.
▪️Keyinside - a partner for MiL.k project on Hyperledger Fabric development. Keyinside has expertise in bleeding-edge Hyperledger Fabric technology.
MLK is a utility token on MiL.k platform. MLK is the only means of trading in the discount market of mileage points. Total token supply is 1.3B MLK tokens with only 10% allocated to Private Sale with a 2-years lock-up period. The rest of the token supply is allocated to Liquidity Supply, User distribution, Partner Allocation, Long-term operation.
MiL.k service launching is scheduled for early 2020. We are looking for more updates from the project and recommend to subscribe to MiL.k social channels not to miss important news.
TG: @MilkAllianceEng
Website: milkalliance.io
Medium: medium.com/milk-official-blog
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