MetaCert Protocol

MetaCert Protocol

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Kami melihat dunia tempat Anda merasa aman untuk membuka tautan. Kami sedang mempertimbangkan solusi yang disebut protokol MetaCert sebagai lapisan tambahan dari tumpukan protokol Internet. Anda dapat meletakkannya di antara Internet dan Web, atau Anda dapat mengintegrasikannya dengan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak di Internet.
25 Jul 2018
25 Agu 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
20 Jun 2018
21 Jun 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Detail Token
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MVP / Prototipe
iya nih
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iya nih ,
iya nih
Peron, Cryptocurrency, Internet

Tentang MetaCert Protocol


Kami melihat dunia tempat Anda merasa aman membuka tautan. Kami membayangkan solusi kami, yang dikenal sebagai Protokol MetaCert sebagai lapisan tambahan ke Internet Protocol Stack. Ia dapat berada di antara Internet dan Web atau dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam perangkat keras atau lunak yang berada di atas Internet.

Tidak mungkin bagi perusahaan keamanan cyber tunggal untuk mengukur pengajuan dan validasi kepemilikan nama domain dan Pengidentifikasi Sumber Daya Uniform (URI) lainnya seperti bot, alamat dompet, aplikasi, dan akun media sosial di seluruh Web. Inisiatif kepercayaan dan reputasi crowdsourced yang ada untuk Web belum berhasil, dan kami membutuhkan partisipasi dari komunitas untuk membantu kepercayaan dan reputasi menjadi di mana-mana.

MetaCert Protocol Tim

Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Paul Walsh
tidak diverifikasi
Ian Hayward
tidak diverifikasi
Kamrul Hassan
Chief Architect and Lead Engineer
tidak diverifikasi
Alfonso Valdes
Sys Ops
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Mario Alvarado
tidak diverifikasi
Jon Orlin
Head of Content
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Patrick Reilly
IP Attorney
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Satnam Narang
Head of Partner and Developer Relations
tidak diverifikasi
Jeremy Nation
Chief Storyteller
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Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Geir Rasmussen
tidak diverifikasi
Daniel Applequist
tidak diverifikasi
Francey Hakes
tidak diverifikasi
Phil Archer
tidak diverifikasi

13 ICOs

$111 454 854

Richard Titus
tidak diverifikasi
Ouriel Ohayon
tidak diverifikasi
Read Bio Kurt Kumar
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Ariel Jalali
tidak diverifikasi

MetaCert Protocol Berita terakhir

5.0 4
WEB2 Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

Crypto Calibur

MetaCert Protocol is attempting to pivot the existing centralized version onto the Blockchain in order to make it decentralized and create a token economy. The centralized version is successful in the market, which underlines that there is demand for such a product. Moreover, existing customers will be moved onto the new decentralized protocol in order to accelerate growth, which is highly advantageous for the project. So far, there are few competitors in this niche of the cryptosphere, which means the project will be very lucrative if it is successful.
A challenge with bringing a centralized solution onto the Blockchain with a token is to develop a proper sustainable token ecosystem. Unfortunately, we believe that MetaCert did not do well in this regard. The META token as is can be a means of payment or has the utility of being staked in return for rewards. In our opinion, these two functionalities can be easily achieved by using mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Therefore, we do not see the need for an individual token here besides for fundraising purposes.
The team itself has a lot of expertise and brings strong advisors to the table. However, the team was unable to deliver their testnet beta in time, so we question how realistic a mainnet release by December 2018 really is.
With regard to the token sale, we find the valuation to be reasonable and praise the team for being fully transparent about prior investment rounds. The fact that the seed round received a discount of 41.67%, and the other tier a 25% discount, is partly made up again by the vesting periods. However, we still dislike these large discounts, even more under consideration of the fact that seed round might have happened at a much higher Bitcoin to Dollar ratio, whereas right now we are rather at the bottom. When considering how poorly the current ICOs are performing, we think there may be other more successful projects on the market

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