An IoT food supply chain platform on a secured VPN blockchain infrastructure that allows consumers to not only conduct all of their grocery shopping online, but most importantly provides the solution to the global food waste epidemic. The food supply chain from the farmer to dinner table is grossly inefficient. By utilizing IoT sensors to optimize every phase of the supply chain, the global community would have access to affordable and healthy food without having to step foot in a grocery store; simultaneously drastically reducing the methane gasses created from spoiled food in landfills. The problem is not integrating the latest technology with the food supply chain, but protecting it from cyberattacks. We propose a solution to this security vulnerability by creating multi-layered Virtual Private Networks, and using Artificial Intelligence to manage the key creation and protecting the network using time series database. By using time series database, Artificial Intelligence would create a set of new keys for every triggered event to all nodes on the network, ensuring ultimate security. This design pattern not only can be utilized in the food supply chain, but in every home, office, and school around the world.
iCarriage IBAAS (Internet of Things Blockchain as a Service) provides the installation of sensors installed throught the food supply chain (Farms, factories, transportation vehicles) on the food distributors own private blockchain network. By doing so, iCarriage will be keeping the integrity of the food from the source to the stomach. It is food "policing" but on a macro level, and our technology provided will benefit public health globally.
iCarriage is partnering with a debit card company that will manufacture a custom CarriageCoin "smart" debit card and allow cardholders to spend CarriageCoin where debit/credit cards are accepted. As a result, also become a major player in the Point of Sale market. This will give us a great competitive advantage over Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies by bridging the gap with the retail market.
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Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim
Diverifikasi 0%
Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim
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