Christopher Calicott

Projects Raised
United States
About Christopher Calicott
I’m excited by innovation, entrepreneurship, and thinking about the interesting opportunities created by technology in society. I’m at my best as part of a diverse team working in a highly collaborative, case-based environment. I am an experienced manager with a love for brand, big ideas, increasing value for those involved in the business, inspiring those who want to grow it through innovation, shepherding fledgling ideas toward a position of sustainable competitive advantage, and scaling technical companies both via human capital and growth mechanics. This orientation is what I bring to the table to have impact in the seed and early stage venture capital space where I work with a team of great partners. - I think strategically. We will win together even if the game is long. - I remain calm in tense situations. I share it with the team. - I don’t believe in crises. These are particularly interesting challenges. - I am highly curious & question things taken for granted, often with interesting results. - I think people are amazing. - And I’m sure there’s a way we can collaborate. Other things I enjoy thinking about and working with are machine intelligence-backed business models, multi-sided platforms, service design, blockchain-based technologies, fintech, Bitcoin & cryptocurrencies, and cybersecurity / information security. I am passionate about wine, heritage, and artisanal products, slow food, fine dining, and experiential living. Language fascinates me. Also, I bake wild yeast breads.
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