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Pembaharuan Terakhir

30 Mei 2018

Attrace adalah platform pemasaran afiliasi pertama yang sepenuhnya tersebar. Anda dapat membangun rantai blok yang sepenuhnya dikustomisasi dari awal, membangun jaringan yang sepenuhnya terbuka, dan mendaftar dan meninjau satu-satunya rantai iklan di industri pemasaran online. Afiliasi pemasaran adalah pembayaran berdasarkan pendapatan yang dicapai di pasar $ 1,3 miliar dengan kepercayaan besar dan masalah pelacakan yang timbul dari jaringan afiliasi menengah. Attrace menyelesaikan semua masalah kepercayaan dan penelusuran, mengurangi komisi sekitar 95%, dan secara instan memberikan pangsa pasar pada tahun 2018.
8 Sep 2018
27 Okt 2018
100% lengkap
$1 260 000
21% topi keras lengkap
Topi keras 6 000 000.00 USD
8 Agu 2018
7 Sep 2018
100% lengkap
$1 260 000
topi keras
84% topi lengkap
Topi 1 500 000.00 USD
Topi keras 6 000 000.00 USD
21 Jun 2018
5 Jul 2018
100% lengkap
$1 100 000
topi keras
55% topi lengkap
Tujuan 15 000 000.00 USD
Topi 2 000 000.00 USD
Topi keras 6 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 ATTR
    0.035 USD
Detail Token
Total pasokan
Distribusi Token
30% ICO
20% Pre ICO
18% Founders
13% Ecosystem Support
5% Marketing / Sales
5% Angel Investors
4% Advisors
3% Bounty / ICO Marketing
2% Marketing
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Kontribusi Min
Detail Perusahaan
Nama Perusahaan Terdaftar
Negara Terdaftar
Struktur Bonus
+20% 1st 75M ATTR
+10% 2nd 75M ATTR
+5% 3rd 75M ATTR
0% last 75M ATTR
detil tambahan
building a new one
iya nih
Negara yang Dibatasi
Peron, Media, Hiburan, Eceran

Tentang Attrace

What is Affiliate marketing

  • In affiliate marketing, a Publisher website advertises a Merchant product and directs the generated clicks/referrals towards the Merchant. Only when Merchants closes a sale it will pay the Publisher a commission.
  • Arguably this should be the logical endpoint for a major part of all online marketing expenditures globally: Payment based on sales achieved!
  • For now, at ~5% market share ($13 Billion a year), affiliate marketing remains a small part of the total online advertising market ($260 Billion a year), predominantly due to technical and trust issues between the parties involved. This concerns especially the middleman between the Publishers and the Merchants: the Affiliate Network.
  • Affiliate Networks track all clicks/referrals/leads/sales generated and arranges all payments. In return they take a 10-25% cut of the commissions paid by the Merchant to the Publisher.

The Attrace platform applies blockchain technology to the core of Affiliate Marketing by linking a smart contract to every individual click/referral generated by the Publisher, sale or no-sale. This approach makes a regulating Affiliate Network obsolete.

By tracking each and every individual click/referral, sale or no-sale, Attrace will be the first to solve the main problems of affiliate marketing:

  • No more fraud: Smart contracts attached to every click/referral cannot be manipulated resulting in all statistics being the absolute truth.
  • No more tracking problems: Every individual click/referral will have a unique ID, resulting in fully reliable tracking of the Publishers' performance. Furthermore
  • Very low fees: Affiliate Networks charge 10-25% commission. Attrace reduces this to ~0.5%.
  • Faster Real Value payments: Instant commission payout based on very precise definitions and dynamic scaling.
  • Connecting Publishers and Merchants directly: no Affiliate Network in between.
  • No Merchant restriction: Long Tail and Emerging Markets acceptance will be based on reputation, not at the discretion of Affiliate Network.

Why is Attrace Unique

  • Attrace is the only affiliate marketing blockchain project that tracks and attributes every individual click/referral of a prospect, sale or no-sale, which means insights and statistics which are impossible to manipulate. If you can't do that then using the blockchain for affiliate marketing in our view defeats the purpose. Not tracking all clicks/referrals means you cannot solve the main problems with affiliate marketing: tracking and trust issues.
  • Attrace is the only affiliate marketing project with a fully dedicated blockchain built from scratch (in Golang by Google), it is not a fork of anything. All other initiatives are using ETH which we believe in practice is not going to work (network speed problems, very high running costs and operational risk).
  • Attrace is a fully open network where all users can track at all times all registered clicks/referrals/leads/sales of all advertisements.
  • Live before end 2018 with instant market share already available via founders team resulting in immediate Attrace (ATTR) token usage driven by the actual end-users of the platform.

Info Teknis

Blockchain sepenuhnya dibuat khusus yang dibangun dari awal (di Golang oleh Google) dengan prinsip Delegasi Bukti Pasak & nbsp;

% name% Roadmap

  • 21st of May

  • Publisher UI demo.
  • 27th of May

  • Merchant UI demo.
  • 29th of May

  • Ingest real clicks and expose statistics through Publisher network.
  • 29th of May

  • Network explorer UI demo (blocks, accounts,clicks/referrals/sales).
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • 30th of May

  • Protocal validation (functionality) with selected Pubiishers and Merchants.
  • 30th of May

  • Protocal validation (functionality) with selected Pubiishers and Merchants.
  • 21st of June

  • Pre-ICO (ending 2 weeks later).
  • 12th of July

  • ICO (ending 8 weeks later).
  • 15th of July

  • Network foundation V1 (daemon, messaging, blockchain, storage, smart contract foundation).
  • 1st of October

  • Testnet with affiliate functionality, integrated ATTR tokens and delegated voting.
  • 14th of October

  • First release Merchant and Publisher Dashboard (SSP/DSP).
  • 1st of November

  • Basic developer documentation client API's and commandline tools.
  • 15th of November

  • ATTR tokens import testing + webpages.
  • 1st of December

  • Main net online (operational Attrace network).
  • 7th of December

  • Set up-sales and account management team in NL to accelerate growth.
  • January 2019

  • Start influencer marketing.
  • February 2019

  • Additional strategic traffic acquisition and establishing partnerships to move high volume traffic to the network.
  • March 2019

  • Set up sales and account management teams in new countries to accelerate growth, starting with Western Europe (UK, Germany, Scandinavia).
  • June 2019

  • Set up sales and account management teams in US and Emerging Markets with high internet integration (e.g. Indonesia).
  • September 2019

  • Reach critical traffic volume to apply first machine learning for profiling.
  • October 2019

  • Option to pay commissions fully in ATTR instead of fiat currency, decided country by country provided Merchants are ready.
  • October 2020

  • Push towards commission payments in ATTR only and start process of removing fiat currencies payments country by country.
  • January 2021

  • Growing ecosystem by focusing on Long Tail.
  • February 2021

  • Further geographical expansion to Emerging Markets.
  • February 2022

  • Implementation Machine learning/AI to further counter click fraud.

Attrace Materi

Attrace Tim

Diverifikasi 7%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Nikola Stevanovic
Product & Strategy
tidak diverifikasi
Tay Nguyen
Network Engineer
tidak diverifikasi
Huy Nguyen
Network Engineer
tidak diverifikasi
Phat Nguyen
Network Engineer
tidak diverifikasi
Mariia Synoverska
Fullstack Developer
tidak diverifikasi
Dong Nguyen
Fullstack Developer
tidak diverifikasi
Iryna Krasilchuk
Interaction Designer
tidak diverifikasi
Svetlana Shestak
Quality Assurance
tidak diverifikasi
Clement Labbe
tidak diverifikasi
Morten Juul
tidak diverifikasi
Erwin Werring
Remko Allertz
tidak diverifikasi
John Jansen
tidak diverifikasi
Rico Engelbarts
Listings & Partnerships
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 25%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Roeland Werring
Philip Langguth
tidak diverifikasi
Loes Mensink
tidak diverifikasi
Dick Snel
tidak diverifikasi

Attrace Wawancara

Erwin Werring
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
- has a very strong user case
- a user case which you can only solve by using the key features of blockchain
- has a strong tech team, the fully custom made blockchain is almost completed and will go live in October of this year
- has real economic traction to be expected by the end of 2018.
These are the reasons why I am very excited to be involved in this project!
Roeland Werring
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?

Attrace Berita terakhir

5.0 3
NFT Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

Low Fees: Attrace doesn’t have a middleman when users conduct marketing campaigns. Most affiliate networks will charge 10-25% per commision. When using Attrace, this cost is reduced to 0.5%.
No Tracking Problems: Every individual referral/click has a unique ID. This results in a reliable system that tracks the Publishers’ performance.
Limited Online Marketing Strategies: While Attrace plans on helping the Affiliate Marketing sector, we wish that they would expand to other options. Doing so would increase their user base and gain more market share in the long term.
Low Focus: Since they’re focusing only on Affiliate Marketing, it can give a competitor an opportunity to build upon their idea.

Baca lebih banyak
Nikolay Shkilev
PhD | Entrepreneur | CEO | ICO Advisor | Crypto enthusiast | Blockchain expert | Public speaker | Mentor

UPD: After full explanation from CEO I changed my rating.
He explained to me every little detail and now I understand everything.
Good luck in affiliate marketing and with ICO, team.

OLD: For the last 3-6 months I saw tens of projects with the similar idea and all of them failed. At the same time the project says that they the first in this market. It is a lie. The team is very average, there arent powerful enough international experts. There is no MVP, also obvious problems with community and marketing though the project says that it works in the marketing sphere, but even here they didnt fill out the page on Facebook as well as other social media. It is a failure. It is necessary to correct seriously everything in the shortest possible time, then I will change the estimates. I'm ready to listen to you in Linkedin - I dont receive notifications from here, unfortunately.

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  • Karena mungkin ada perbedaan waktu dalam pembaruan informasi, informasi akurat tentang setiap proyek ICO harus diverifikasi melalui situs resminya atau saluran komunikasi lainnya.
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