South Korean Police Bust Crypto-Powered Drugs Smuggling Ring

17 मई 2024 BACK TO NEWS

South Korean police have made a significant breakthrough in combating drug smuggling operations by arresting 34 individuals allegedly involved in a crypto-powered drugs smuggling ring.

According to reports from Newsis, authorities seized a substantial amount of drugs, including methamphetamine (crystal meth), synthetic marijuana, and ketamine, totaling 90,000 doses.

The modus operandi of the ring involved utilizing Vietnam-based smugglers to conceal drugs within cosmetics products, which were then sent to South Korea through international courier services.

Cryptocurrency Facilitates Illegal Transactions

Police revealed that the ring operated from August 2023 to April this year, selling narcotics online to buyers who paid in cryptocurrency, with Telegram serving as a communication platform for the criminal activities.

Recent reports have highlighted the growing use of Korean-language Telegram channels as hubs for drug trafficking, facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers.

Raids conducted by the Chungbuk Police Agency's drug crime investigation unit resulted in the remand of nine individuals, including two suspected South Korean ringleaders, aged 36, and charging 25 others with related crimes.

Sophisticated Hiding Methods Uncovered

During their investigation, authorities uncovered sophisticated hiding methods employed by the ring. A police spokesperson revealed that the masterminds concealed drugs in a "hole in a mountainside," where they found nearly six liters of synthetic marijuana solution, valued at over $1 million on the domestic market.

Further discoveries included 181g of methamphetamine and 31g of ketamine, buried underground in rural areas. Gang members would periodically visit these hiding places to divide the synthetic marijuana into smaller units, which were then sold through social media channels like Telegram, with buyers making payments in cryptocurrency.

South Korea's Crackdown on Crypto-Related Crimes

The crackdown on the crypto-powered drugs smuggling ring comes amidst South Korea's efforts to combat the surge in cryptocurrency-related crimes and fraud cases. Authorities are moving to establish a dedicated virtual asset investigative unit to address these challenges more effectively.

The successful operation by South Korean police underscores the importance of international cooperation and vigilant law enforcement in combating illicit activities enabled by cryptocurrencies.