XWin CryptoBet

XWin CryptoBet

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XWIN est une plate-forme de paris transparente pour les événements sportifs et autres avec un partage des revenus utilisant les contrats intelligents décentralisés sur la blockchain Ethereum.
Le développement sans précédent de la technologie blockchain et l'introduction de contrats intelligents ont conduit à de nouvelles opportunités dans le domaine des paris sportifs et autres. Actuellement, pour la majorité des joueurs privés, il est important d'avoir un accès confortable, pratique et, surtout, sûr et garanti aux paris sur l'issue de n'importe quel événement, et aux investisseurs - de recevoir un revenu garanti de l'activité du bookmaker.
XWIN a été créé pour résoudre ces tâches.
30 oct. 2017
30 janv. 2018
100% terminé
$3 375 435
100% objectif terminé
  • 1 XWIN
    0.003 ETH
Détails du jeton
Devises Acceptées
Détails de l'entreprise
Pays enregistré
Détails supplémentaires
Les catégories
Plate-forme, Divertissement, Des sports, Casino et jeux d'argent

Sur XWin CryptoBet

Bookmaker is a specialist who accepts cash bets on results of sports games (horse racing, football, running, etc.), financial, cultural, weather, political and other events. The bets are accepted on certain conditions, with the pre-determined rules of payout.

Advantages of betting with XWIN:

  1. Guaranteed payments by the Ethereum smart contract;
  2. Transparency of transactions and payments;
  3. No account lock-outs due to frequent wins;
  4. No account lock-outs due to arbitrages;
  5. Absence of individual reduction coefficients;
  6. Simplified registration;
  7. Absence of infrastructure risks related to technical problems with equipment and interruptions in Internet access;
  8. Absence of risks of funds embezzlement;
  9. Absence of restrictions on access to the investment funds;
  10. Information security and confidentiality;
  11. Cross-border betting;
  12. Stability of XWIN is determined by the entire network of the Ethereum blockchain;
  13. Security of funds (the players' accounts are placed on the smart contract account and are managed autonomously);
  14. Continuous monitoring and control of the better’s account transactions (constant control over the player's funds, 24/7/365 availability from any place in the world and from any device).

The Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts is a dynamically developing technology for investing, settlement of transactions online, and now for betting as well. It would not be right to disregard the advantages this technology has to offer.

XWIN smart contract performs the functions of an arbitrator that autonomously and completely independently fulfills the terms of agreement. In other words, if the bet was made using the smart contract, the conditions prescribed in the smart contract should be met 100% regardless of the desires of the parties. The better who places the bet with XWIN, receives information about all conditions, and subsequently these conditions cannot be changed, since they are written in the smart contract. The payout amount is locked on the account of the smart contract at the time of placing the bet and cannot be expended or spent prior to the settlement. None of the parties can make changes to the bet that has already been placed, and spend the prize fund. Thus, XWIN is the first and currently the only bookmaker, largely protected and safe from the traditional bookmaker market, and creates real alternative option.

XWIN was established based on the technology of blockchain and smart contracts. It provides an opportunity to make bets in the crypto currency and do it in a comfortable, convenient and, most importantly, safe way.

% name% roadmap

  • T3 2017

  • 1. Le concept de XWIN CryptoBet;
    2. Contrat intelligent XWIN Beta;
    3. Livre blanc XWIN CryptoBet.
  • T4 2017

  • 1. contrat intelligent DAO XWIN;
    2. Le placement public des jetons XWIN;
    3. Licences de bookmaker et enregistrement légal;
    4. Lancement du site du bookmaker xwin.io;
    5. Sortie de la version bêta pour les applications mobiles.
  • 1er trimestre 2018

  • 1. Smart contrat XWIN avec le système d'acceptation de l'argent fiduciaire;
    2. Publication publique d'applications mobiles;
    3. Intelligence artificielle XWIN. Développement de l'intelligence artificielle sur la base de l'apprentissage automatique pour calculer les taux de pari et la probabilité des événements;
    4. Livre blanc de la bourse de paris XWIN;
    5. XWIN mise sur les courses.
  • T2 2018

  • 1. Campagne agressive de relations publiques et marketing;
    2. Smart loterie XWIN contrat;
    3. Première répartition des bénéfices entre les investisseurs;
    4. Développement et introduction de jeux de hasard classiques utilisant la technologie blockchain;
    5. Libération des contrats intelligents de la bourse de paris XWIN.
  • Lire la suite
  • T3 2018

  • 1. VIP ROOM XWIN CryptoBet. Calcul et lancement de paris individuels pour les clients VIP;
    2. Plateforme à plusieurs portefeuilles XWIN;
    3. Livre blanc et contrats intelligents: casino DAO, poker DAO, machines à sous DAO;
    4. Libération de la bourse de paris XWIN.
  • T4 2018

  • 1. casino DAO;
    2. DAO poker;
    3. Machines à sous DAO;
    4. Echecs DAO.

XWin CryptoBet Équipe

Vérifié 0%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Alexander Semin
Partner, Two-time world champion
non vérifié
Artem Baikov
non vérifié
Vladimir Kiryanov
Co-owner, director of strategic partnerships
non vérifié
Ilya Greenstein
Co-owner, director of the sports analytical group
non vérifié


$6 375 435

Eugene Salitrynskiy
Director of Software Engineering and Development
non vérifié
Vyacheslav Posconin
Blockchain-expert, Solidity developer
non vérifié
Vadim Litvak
Leading UI / UX designer, interface designer
non vérifié
Dmitry Kronberg
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
non vérifié

XWin CryptoBet Dernières nouvelles

5.0 11
ICO Profil Vision Activité Potentiel Produit Équipe

% nom%


The rapid growth of blockchain based online bookmakers and crypto casinos will lead to the increase of interface parts for bet placements to retain the customers and increase the implementation pace, as per the industry insiders. To meet this increasing demand for adoption, XWIN has the plans in the pipeline to develop mobile applications for the Android and iOS devices pretty soon, and also in-demand web interfaces. Over the time, more games will be added to the platform to meet the requirements of the players. XWIN redefines the relations between online gambling resources and the betters by utilizing the innovations in blockchain technology. There is no doubt that the bookmaker’s business gets considerable returns. The increasing interest of the people in online games and gambling simply means that XWIN tokens and ICO are most probably successful project.

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