Drs. Hans Koning

Blockchain & Crypto Advisory
$ 3,230,373
Projects Raised
Hong Kong
About Drs. Hans Koning
"Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward" (Victor Kiam). Drs. Koning has been advising and investing in startup companies for more than 20 years. Thanks to his many years of experience as a corporate executive – starting in telecoms, but then moving to other areas -- Koning has worked with new companies in all sectors, and in Asia, the US, Australia and Europe. He has a long track record of helping young companies grow. A veteran of more than 50 ICOs, Koning is a master in the world of cryptocurrency and frontier investment. His ability to make long-term commitments, communicating his vision and making it work as a manager distinguishes him from the ICO advisers who just “grab a few coins.” Koning has chosen to work with startups, because he loves anything disruptive and innovative, but especially the unexpected or that takes him out of his comfort zone. He above all loves to “simply” engage with entrepreneurs, startups, ICO's, and (interesting) people, or with his audience when speaking on a stage. He has a long track record of success both as an investor and as a coach, C-level manager, and board member, because of his proven ability as a strategist and business developer. He currently works as an independent consultant for startups and an ICO advisor. Educated in Information Studies and Policy Studies, and then a Post-doc course in Corporate Governance from Nyenrode Business University, Koning’s interests, alphabetically ordered and not limited to: America's NP, Blockchain, creativity, crypto's, disruptive things, early stage stuff, economics, entrepreneurship, food, friends & family (not fools), healthcare, hiking, human rights, networking, outdoors, pop-art, politics, sports, TIIM, travel, trends, wine.
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