Created using Figma

Última actualización

1 abr 2018

ZPER. Este es un ecosistema financiero descentralizado de igual a igual (P2P) basado en tecnología de contrato inteligente que conecta fácilmente a los proveedores financieros P2P y asesores robóticos de todo el mundo, por lo que revitaliza los métodos de transferencia de fondos entre prestatarios y prestamistas. La plataforma promueve transacciones más rápidas y transparentes en la red de blockchain, eliminando así cualquier ocurrencia de disputas por el uso de la plataforma. La plataforma proporciona un entorno P2P razonable y seguro para los prestamistas y prestatarios que les permite obtener mayores ganancias al invertir en el proyecto, lo que lo hace vital.
  • Mercado
    Volumen 24H
    24H (precio)
    24H (volumen)
  • Velic
    ZPR/USDT 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0030
  • Liquid
    ZPR/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0012
  • Liquid
    ZPR/QASH 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0020
  • ProBit Global
    ZPR/KRW 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0015
    $ 27.36
  • Allbit
    ZPR/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0016
    $ 6.26
  • HitBTC
    ZPR/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
    $ 3.95
  • BitZ
    ZPR/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 6.26E-6
    $ 0.2462
  • BitZ
    ZPR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0004
    $ 1.36
  • Cashierest
    ZPR/KRW 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0005
    $ 8.922 K
  • Bitsonic
    ZPR/KRW 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
    $ 8.62
  • Coinsuper
    ZPR/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
  • Bitforex
    ZPR/ETH 4 one year ago
  • Bitforex
    ZPR/USDT 4 one year ago
  • Daybit
    ZPR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0050
  • Liquid
    ZPR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0003
  • TokenJar
    ZPR/WETH 5 one year ago
  • Liquid (Quoine)
    ZPR/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0010
  • Liquid (Quoine)
    ZPR/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0009
abr, 2018
may, 2018
100% terminado
$12 600 000
140% gorra terminado
Gol 9 000 000.00 USD
Gorra 9 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 ZPR
    0.028125 USD
17 mar 2018
17 mar 2018
100% terminado
$12 600 000
100% gorra terminado
Gol 12 600 000.00 USD
Gorra 12 600 000.00 USD
  • 1 ZPR
    0.0225 USD
Detalles del token
Monedas aceptadas
Detalles adicionales
Plataforma, Criptomoneda

Acerca de ZPER

P2P Finance Alliance
Las compañías de préstamos P2P, proveedores de información y robo asesores globales verificados forman parte de la Alianza ZPER. La Alianza, que permite a una variedad de participantes interactuar e intercambiar valores libremente, proporciona un entorno financiero razonable para prestatarios y prestamistas.
Todos los participantes serán recompensados ​​de manera justa por sus contribuciones. |
transacciones fronterizas
ZPER conecta a prestatarios y prestamistas independientemente de la moneda de sus países. Los prestamistas obtienen rendimientos más altos, mientras que los prestatarios reciben préstamos a tasas de interés más bajas.
La gestión de riesgos por Robo-advisors & nbsp;
Los algoritmos de asesoría robótica reconocidos internacionalmente constituyen las carteras de inversión globales. Luego, el algoritmo se utiliza para reducir el riesgo de inversión y brindar seguridad a través de la diversificación de la inversión. & Nbsp;


La plataforma ZPER ofrecerá los siguientes servicios:

  • Cartera ZPER. La cartera gestiona, intercambia, invierte y reembolsa a ZPR y se utiliza para la solicitud de inversión y préstamo.
  • ZPERobo. Es posible invertir en productos de compañías financieras P2P que se hayan transformado en tokens o realizar inversiones diversificadas en carteras recomendadas por RoboAdvisors según la preferencia de los inversores.
  • ZPER Open Market. Proporciona erveces para intercambiar cuentas por cobrar P2P entre inversores, a través de las cuales los vendedores pueden devolver su inversión antes del vencimiento de los préstamos, mientras que los compradores pueden invertir en diferentes préstamos a tiempo en las condiciones que deseen.

ZPER también ejecutará una serie de proyectos para mejorar la competitividad de las compañías financieras P2P:

  • ZPER Zero, un servicio para estudiantes sin historial de crédito.
  • Préstamos para pequeñas empresas
  • SCF (Supply Chain Finance)

ZPER Roadmap

  • 2015

  • Established P2P financial platform FUNDA.
  • 2016

  • MIDRATE of P2P financial platform established. Olley established P2P financial platform. Financial products recommendation platform FINDA was established.
  • 2017

  • FUNDA cumulative loan achieved 30M USD. MIDRATE cumulative loan achieved 10M USD. Olley cumulative loan achieved 10M USD.
  • Jul 2017

  • Initiate ZPER.
  • Lee mas
  • 1Q 2018

  • White paper publication. Partnership with leading P2P financial companies and Robo-Advisor. Token Pre-Sale.
  • 2Q 2018

  • Token Crowd Sale. Started development of ZPER platform SDK/API. Official Meet up. Launched ZPER wallet beta service.
  • 3Q 2018

  • Listed on Exchange. PEROBO closed beta service. Official Meat up. Global partnership (3 countries).
  • 4Q 2018

  • Launched ZPEROBO Official service. ZPER Open Market service bets test. Global partnership (5 countries).
  • 1Q 2019

  • Opened ZPER Open Market Official service. ZPER Data Monetizer Beta Service. Expansion of overseas partnerships (10 countries).
  • 2Q 2019

  • Opened ZPER Data Monetizer Service. Global partnership (15 participating countries).
  • 3Q 2019

  • Expansion of global partnership (20 participating countries).

ZPER Equipo

Verificado 50%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo


$25 200 000

Jake Lee
Co-founder, CEO
Jb Kim
Co-founder, CEO
Sean Park
Co-founder, CSO
George Hahn
Sj Min
Leo Moon
Senior Software Engineer
Sh Baek
Full-Stack Engineer
Sh Lee
Server Engineer
Sk Im
Full-Stack Engineer
Jy Min
Financial Affairs
Ks Shin
Operation Strategy
Dy Shin
Operation Management
Jh Shin
UI/UX Designer
Jh Kim
Community Manager


Verificado 0%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo

Sean Shin


$27 700 000

Suyong Park
Hoon Lee


$25 200 000

Joe Kim
James Pack
K Wang
Sudhi Herle
Natalia Lee

ZPER Entrevistas

Jake Lee
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hello there, I'm the Co CEO of ZPER project
JB Kim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
ZPER is feasible. You can see a real service that operates on the blockchain technology and token economy not long before.
Sean Park
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
investor meeting, establishing vision, adjusting team balance
George Hahn
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am a Co-Founder of ZPER. And my role is CGO(Chief Global Officer).
SJ Min
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm managing Marketing, Operation now and will be in charge of developing new business.
JY Min
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am taking care of financial matters in ZPER team.
JH Kim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
ZPER is a decentralized loan and investment platform based on blockchain technology. We aim at creating an innovative P2P finance ecosystem by combining industrial values of P2P finance and asset values of data all over the world.
What do you think about idea?
ZPER's goal is to enhance and expand value chains in the P2P finance market and provide all participants with reliable and reasonable trade opportunities.
$ 2.149E-5
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 0.0817
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.0008
ICO Price~$0.0253

% nombre% opiniones

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a decentralized peer to peer (P2P) financial ecosystem based on smart contract technology which easily connects P2P financial providers and robo advisors all over the world hence revolutionalizing the methods of fund transfers between borrowers and the lenders


  • The platform promotes faster  and transparent transactions on the network of block chain hence eliminating  any occurrence of disputes from the platform use
  • The platform connects borrowers and lenders regardless of their countries currency enabling the lenders to reap higher returns while borrowers receive loans at lower interest rates
  • The users are able to access a wide range of P2P investment product on the platform as its constitutes of reliable P2P companies all over the world
  • The platform helps in securing the users investments  as all the transactions are transformed into P2P Based tokens which are linked to receivables  enabling cash flows generated from the loans
  • The platform enhances utilization of data through reasonable compensation system  hence enabling the expansion of the scale and scope of the data needed for innovative credit evaluation
  • The users are able to diversify  their investments to gain more profits  in a safer manner  through the platform as the robo advisors  can easily analyze  the investments products  in the platform with  their own algorithms
  • The platform team involved is adequate with relevant skills in the related field enabling faster implementation of the  project


  • The platform token use is highly affected by the  sudden changes in related policies and laws
  • The platform  white paper available in other languages cannot be used to solve disputes in case of occurrence
  • The funds raised by the token during the pre-ICO stage are not fully secured and can lead to losses


  • The platform team should ensure the funds generated from the token sale during the pre-ICO stage to promotes easy project implementation
  • The platform should engage internationally qualified  translators to enable adequate translation of the platform white paper into different languages


The platform provides a reasonable and secure P2P environment for the lenders and borrowers enabling them to gain higher profits from investing in the project making it vital and I would equally invest in it

Lee mas
  • Debido a que puede haber diferencias de tiempo en las actualizaciones de información, la información precisa sobre cada proyecto ICO debe verificarse a través de su sitio web oficial u otros canales de comunicación.
  • Esta información no es una sugerencia o consejo para invertir en fondos de la OIC. Por favor, investigue a fondo la información relevante y decida la participación de la OIC.
  • Si cree que hay problemas o correcciones a corregir en este contenido, o si desea enviar su propio proyecto ICO para que aparezca en la lista, por favor envíenos un correo electrónico.
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