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Wootrade is a digital asset liquidity pool that provides the best execution for institutional clients
To be announced
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Acerca de Wootrade

Wootrade is a darkpool trading platform that offers significantly above-average liquidity, tighter spreads than the major exchanges, and zero (or even negative!) fees. It is the beginning of a reinvention in cryptocurrency trading which will finally create an efficient and high-performance marketplace. While cryptocurrency trading has matured quickly over the last decade, liquidity is still segmented amongst disparate liquidity pools, transaction costs remain high, and manipulative trading practices are seemingly ubiquitous. This is in contrast to established stock and futures markets where trading costs are in a race to the bottom -- for fees, spreads, and all other hidden costs.
Wootrade solves the liquidity, cost, and adverse selection issues of cryptocurrency trading for exchanges, institutions, and (eventually) retail traders through the use of redesigned incentive mechanics. We understand that efficient markets are built on an equilibrium of economic
incentives and have designed a system in which both sides of the trade are mutually better off.

Wootrade Equipo

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Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo

Ran Yi
Chief Operating Officer
Terence Wu
Chief Technology Officer
Xulong Yu
Engineering Director
Jack Tan
Mark Pimentel

Wootrade Últimas noticias

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