En pocas palabras, Winding Tree es un conjunto de contratos inteligentes en Ethereum con una plataforma de gobierno DAO que permite a los titulares de Líf para participar en el desarrollo de aquellos contratos.
Winding Tree conecta proveedores (hoteles, aerolíneas, etc.) y vendedores (agencias de viajes) a un & nbsp; mercado único. Los proveedores podrán poner información sobre su disponibilidad y el precio en la base de datos, donde sería fácilmente detectable por vendedores. Los vendedores tienen la capacidad de comprar ese inventario y pagar por ello al instante. Todas estas interacciones están diseñadas para ser realizado sin intervención humana.
Para suministros:
Los proveedores pueden distribuir el inventario directamente a los puntos de venta, omitiendo costosos intermediarios y cuellos de botella a los datos.
Para vendedores de viajes:
Acceda al inventario de todos los proveedores desde una plataforma única sin tarifas de marcado y sin barreras de entrada.
Para viajeros:
Use Líf para pagar directamente las necesidades de viaje.
2017 Q4
2018 Q1
2018 Q2
2018 Q3
2018 Q4
2019 Q1
2019 Q2
2019 Q3
2019 Q4
Verificado 0%
Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo
Verificado 0%
Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo
This is not the first time attempt to connect buyers and sellers in the market of tourist services. The difficulties of the industry described in the beginning of the project, the monopolization of the US market, outdated communication technologies, and the low level of automation in the sphere of tourism should cause the potential investor to change the existing state of affairs with benefits for himself.
But, for some reason, we did not have a great desire to invest our money in this project. Why? For a number of reasons, in particular, a lot of time in describing the project is a complaint about the poor state of affairs in the tourist sphere, but there is no clear business plan, and at least a schematic vision for the promotion of the project. On what grounds the travel industry should go to the Winding Tree platform? Only on the grounds that the blockchain technology is quite the thing.
And how long have you used a fax or telephone to book air tickets and book a hotel? And maybe not so bad in tourism? Will there be enough transaction processing speed in the blockchain to handle a huge number of transactions in the tourist business?
So we thought and decided that there was no point in investing in this project.
For a project that’s set out to make a big mark on the travel industry, the Winding Tree ICO holds a formidable hand. The project already has three partnerships with large enterprises in their target industry and a testnet online. The open source concept also lends a higher degree of adaptability to the project. While the challenges ahead loom large, we believe the Winding Tree ICO could well mark the beginning of a change in the industry. After weighing all of the pros and cons of the project, we’ll be making a small bet on the Winding Tree ICO.
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