TRP token and pay of TURNPLE are blockchain platform crypto-assets and global financial crypto-assets, which are blockchain that is widely used in the global market, starting with Europe, US, Japan, China and Korea.
In the case of coins that introduced the concept of platform for the first time, due to the variability of mileage value and coin value, uncertain transactions between consumers and merchants were made due to the change of coin price at the moment of purchase. For this reason, it's hinders the development of the platform and destroys the growth structure of the platform coin.
To compensate for this shortcoming, TRP PAY will be used in real life as an optimized hybrid coin that is used throughout the financial market as a fixed value by exchanging coin that was not suitable for payment with blockchain based TRP PAY by technicalization the advantages of blockchain technology for anonymity, security and cost-cutting.
The TRP will be used in real life as a hybrid TRP optimized for online payment and off-line payment by combining a fixed value blockchain pay and a blockchain with variable value.
In the case of coins that introduced the concept of platform for the first time, due to the variability of mileage value and TRP value, uncertain transactions between consumers and merchants were made due to the change of coin price at the moment of purchase. For this reason, it's hinders the development of the platform and destroys the growth structure of the platform.
By complementing these disadvantages, we have created a TRP that will be used throughout the financial market. If the TRP which was not suitable for payment due to the variability is exchanged with the TRP PAY, it can be used as a product purchase or service payment method with a fixed value.
The TRP global platform will provide services around the world through our network of sports, real estate, entertainment, home shopping, medical services, leisure industry, luxury shop, culture service etc.
The TRP is not an existing mileage or point concept, but an anonymity, security, and cost savings through the combination of blocked pay and blocked coins and it will become a financial coin when used as a payment method. Because there is no fee, on/offline merchants and consumers can save on commission costs.
TRP will lead to more various forms of affiliate partnership services in on/off line bank payment, QR code, bar code, PG service and card service.
Q4 2018
Q1 2019
Q2 2019
Q3 2019
Q4 2019
Verificado 0%
Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo
Verificado 0%
Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo
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