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TheBoringToken is different from other tokens there are some features, such as rewards, autobuyback and the guardian of the nature. The boring token aims to save the nature through collaborating with different organizations, events on saving nature and so on. However, its two main aims are to put "Reverse Vending Machine" for recycling all over the world, and planting trees together with TBT community, where each holder for each planting tree gets rewarded.
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Acerca de TheBoringToken

Together, we can save the nature!

As we see, day by day the nature is getting worse and worst. Lots of pollution is on earth, so lets do something and save nature! The ecosystem that gives us air, the food, the water - everything that is keeping us alive is at risk! Why? Because we - HUMANS- are destroying it every single day! Can we save it?! How?!

There is now 70% less wild life than there was 50-60 years ago! Imagine what can happen in next 100 years. In just 40 years, a forest area the size of Europe got destroyed forever, and if we continue at today's pace all the world's rainforest will be disappeared completely from the planet in less than 100 years, and there will be no life on the earth!

How can we stop this? One of the major things that causes pollution is generation of electricity. There are couple of ways to generate electricity, and our aim is to make the world use the methods that save the nature. We can generate electricity by using wind, hydro, solar panels, tidal etc... here you can find some of them: Ways to generate electricity
Furthermore, another thing concerning for nature are cars. It is estimated that over 1 billion cars travel the streets of the world today. Another way to save the nature is by using electric cars!

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TheBoringToken Últimas noticias

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