The Billionaire Doge Club

The Billionaire Doge Club

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10,000 unique billionaire dogs that spend their time partying on the Ethereum Blockchain, because what else would you do if you didn’t have a care in the world, and the only thing on your to-do list was burn money and impress bitches? The Billionaire Doge Club is 10,000 unique and diverse NFT’s that wouldn’t be caught dead on anything less than a 160M yacht. How’d they earn their fortunes… Does it really matter? Just know that once you’re in the club you don’t sleep til the sun comes up
To be announced
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Acerca de The Billionaire Doge Club

Everyone can live like a billionaire in the Billionaire Doge Club

Missed your chance on DogeCoin? Consider this you’re this is your 2nd chance!

The Billionaire Doge Club is 10,000 unique Doge NFT’s. How’d they earn their fortunes? Does it really matter? No one cares…that’s why we are in disguise. Just know that once you’re in the club we go hard.

We’re a community that thrives on Dogecoin, memes, AMC stock, smoking cigars, drinking champagne and giving the middle finger to “the system”.

Welcome fellow Doges, to the Billionaire Doge Club.

The Billionaire Doge Club Equipo

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The Billionaire Doge Club Últimas noticias

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