

Created using Figma
Una moneda descentralizada, transferible y multiplataforma en el juego que se puede ganar e intercambiar en moneda ficticia o criptomoneda
  • Mercado
    Volumen 24H
    24H (precio)
    24H (volumen)
  • Uniswap (v3)
    TTT/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0079
    $ 796.00
  • Bilaxy
    TTT/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0061
    $ 215.377 K
  • Idex
    TTT/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 3.902E-5
    $ 28.44
  • TokenJar
    TTT/WETH 5 one year ago
  • P2B
    TTT/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.7624
  • P2B
    TTT/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.7711
    $ 46.27
  • P2B
    TTT/USD 5 one year ago
    $ 0.7330
    $ 0.7330
  • Coineal
    TTT/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0313
    $ 16.919 K
  • Exrates
    TTT/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 1.32
    $ 57.25
  • Exrates
    TTT/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 1.32
    $ 42.44
  • Exrates
    TTT/USD 5 one year ago
    $ 1.31
    $ 42.51
  • LocalTrade
    TTT/BTC 5 one year ago
  • LocalTrade
    TTT/ETH 5 one year ago
  • LocalTrade
    TTT/USD 5 one year ago
    TTT/USDT 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0029
  • CoinBene
    TTT/MOBI 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0054
    $ 17.648 K
  • Bibox
  • BitZ
  • BitZ
  • Bibox
5 nov 2017
27 nov 2017
100% terminado
$252 000
61% gorra terminado
Gorra 413 000.00 USD
  • 10000 TTT
    1 ETH
30 jul 2017
27 ago 2017
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
Gorra 75 000.00 ETH
  • 10000 TTT
    1 ETH
Detalles del token
Monedas aceptadas
Detalles de la compañía
País registrado
Detalles adicionales

Acerca de Tapproject

Benefit to Gamers

  • No matter the platform, your Tap coin will follow you into any game and on any device.
  • Your hard work is no longer lost or locked up in a particular game.
    Make money while you play, your currency can be traded on the exchanges.
  • Console, PC, Handheld and Mobile gaming revenue continue to increase year after year.
  • Breaks down the antiquated barrier of development and gaming and brings light to a new age of exchange.

Benefit to Developers

  • Indie developers don’t have to worry about the type of platform they are working on and it they will reach their audience.
  • AAA games across multiple platforms, but just one Tap coin currency.
  • Integrating Tap coin onto development platforms provides that immediate growth.
  • Allows developers to create smart-contracts.
  • Opportunities are endless, as developers are given the ability to be creative all the while having the security of the block-chain.

Benefit of Crowdfunding

  • The opportunity to gain 1000 Tap Coins per 1 ETH.
  • You will be able to trade Tap Coin (TTT) on cryptocurrency exchanges and peer-to-peer just like any other exchange.
  • Make money while you play, your currency can be traded on the exchanges.
  • Tap token will follow you into any game and on any device.

Tapcoin Distribution

A total of 1.5B TTT coins will be created.

Crowdfunding Participants Sale: 750,000,000 TTT (50%): Minted coins offered for sale to public participants.

TAP Project Team: 15,000,000 TTT (10%): These coins will be distributed to the team. Coins will be subject to a period of illiquidity. These coins will also be used to incentivize future employee expansion and future development over 5 years.

Tap Legacy: 12,000,000 TTT (8%): Tap coins allocated will compensate an investor stakeholders, and founders who contributed to the progress of the TAP project over the past years. These coins will be made immediately available and will be allocated proportional to each person’s contribution.

TAP Participant Rewards: 3,000,000 (2%): These coins will be used to compensate crowdfunding participants for bringing in significant value after the crowdfunding sale.

Tap Project Foundation: 450,000,000 TTT (30%): These coins will be used to create developer partnerships for gaming within the TAP project. The foundation will also be used to reward innovative indie game developers to help foster the implementation of TAP coins into their games. These TTT coins will be managed by the TAP Foundation group.

Note: The coin creation is capped at 75,000 ETH (or BTC equivalent). The amount of coins mentioned above assumes a sold out coin sale sold at 10,000 TTT per 1 ETH. In the other case the total amount of coins created will be less and the above breakdown will be allocated pro rata.

  • Crowdfunding Participants
  • Tap Project Team
  • Tap Project Legacy Investors
  • Tap Coin Participants
  • Tap Project foundation


-El Tap Coin es un nuevo token ERC20 que es compatible con proyectos y otros servicios que están escritos en la cadena de bloques
- Token transferible que está integrado en el desarrollador plataformas y por lo tanto se pueden asignar a juegos individuales cuentas
- Proceso simple para ganar Tap Micro durante el juego
- El código simplemente se puede agregar a los modelos de divisas actuales del juego

Información técnica

Detalles técnicos: & nbsp; Actualmente, Tap Coin se ejecutará fuera del Ethereum Blockchain usando el token TTT. El usuario tiene la capacidad de convertir el moneda del juego utilizando contratos inteligentes y viceversa. Juego la integración permite a los desarrolladores preestablecer el valor del juego Tokens de moneda y TTT que se pueden convertir en moneda Fiat si es elegido Cada cuenta de jugador se vinculará a la perfección con un dirección, los contratos inteligentes controlarán las tasas de conversión del juego moneda. Prueba de desarrollador: & nbsp; Equipo público

Tapproject Roadmap

  • TAP Pre 1.0

  • Diseñar y desarrollar la plataforma de distribución de monedas Tap
  • Integración TAP

  • Toque la integración de monedas con desarrolladores y juegos indie y AAA.
  • TAP Beyond 1.0

  • Proceso de transferencia y verificación completamente en la plataforma Tap, distribuido a través de Ethereum.
  • TAP - PC, Móvil, Plataformas de consola

  • Socios y desarrolladores construyendo economía dentro del juego en la plataforma Tap.
  • Lee mas
  • Expansión y crecimiento de TAP

  • Red de Tap completamente operativa

Tapproject Equipo

Verificado 0%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo

Haniff Knight
Hugh Knight
Noel Dulay
Rory Piant

Tapproject Últimas noticias

$ 0.0001
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 1.6337033244728E-8
ICO Price~$3,579.60

% nombre% opiniones

News, reviews

The end goal of Tap Project is to create a blockchain community who share a common gaming currency. Whether a gamer or developer, the Tap project is a viable option to benefit anyone in the gaming sector. For a digital token to unite the gaming industry, the Tap Coin can be a big hit. However, for now, the project is still in its infancy and only time will tell how we expect it to perform. It would not come as a surprise if we see Tap Project become the leading cryptocurrency for the gaming sector.

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