Snowge McFloofy

Snowge McFloofy

Created using Figma
Charity Driven Meme-fueled Deflationary Defi Token
Of the floofs, by the floofs, for the floofs.
  • Mercado
    Volumen 24H
    24H (precio)
    24H (volumen)
  • PancakeSwap (v1)
    0X5E9280D53F28281CE098C8F64E49F5F5DC9EA185/WBNB 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0018
    $ 96.697 K
To be announced
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Acerca de Snowge McFloofy

SnowgeCoin (SNOWGE) was built by a dedicated team as a simple DeFi protocol that allows anyone to participate in yield farming mechanics without complicated or expensive staking while also enabling a simple route to charitable contributions through smart contracts to help our four-legged friends in animal shelters across the world.

At its heart, SnowgeCoin is a deflationary meme token that aims to do some good in the world - expanding on existing decentralized finance protocols while building on them in order to further push the envelope of what a meme token can be capable of. Snowge doesn't belong to anyone, it belongs to everyone!

By the way, say hello to our mascot, Snowge McFloof - he’s a samoyed!

First original fair launched RFI community coin on BSC Earn interest by holding in your wallet Each transaction burns an increasing amount and builds a higher price floor Charity oriented with the goal of providing animal shelters with donations earned passively Ownership renounced to the blockchain god dead address First to call out the shady practices of some other RFI tokens Community over greed, always

Snowge McFloofy Roadmap

  • Q1 - 2021

  • Milestone 1
    Initial Website Launch
    Milestone 2
    Snowge Pre Sale on DxSale
    Milestone 3
    Fair Launch on PancakeSwap
    Milestone 4
    Meme Contest + Airdrops
    Milestone 5
    Snowge Rap ($SNOWGE Buy and Hold!)
    Milestone 6
    TechRate Audit (Passed!)
  • Q2 - 2021

  • Milestone 1
    Blockfolio Listing
    Milestone 2
    Delta Listing
    Milestone 3
    CoinRanking Listing
    Milestone 4
    Partnerships: The Defi Dog Invitational with HOGE, PIT, POODL, SNOWGE
    Milestone 5
    SnowgeCoin NFTs
    Milestone 6
    Snowge Gaming Launch
    Milestone 7
    CoinsBit Listing (Friday, 4/30/2021)
    Milestone 8
    Website Upgrades
    Milestone 9
    Partnerships: $NCAT Meme Contest!
    Milestone 10
    CoinGecko Listing
    Milestone 11
    CoinMarketCap Listing
    Milestone 12
    IndaSwap Listing
    Milestone 13
    Series 1 NFTs & Charitable Donation Fund
  • Q3 - 2021

  • Milestone 1
    SnowgeSwap Launch (PCS V1)
    Milestone 2
    Harmony ONE bridge
    Milestone 3
    Dessert Finance Audit
    Milestone 4
    Onboarding SnowgeSwap Partners
    Milestone 5
    DeFi Dog Rocket League Invitational (Round 2, July 3rd!)
    Milestone 6
    SnowgeSwap Launch (Polygon Snowge-LP)
    Milestone 7
    PolySnowge Launch
    Milestone 8
    SnowgeSwap Launch (BSC Snowge-LP)
    Milestone 9
    IndaSwap Fiat Launch (USA)
    Milestone 10
    SnowgeFlake Farms
    Milestone 11
    DAO for Charity Donation Selection
    Milestone 12
    FloofyNFT Launch
    Milestone 13
    FloofyNFT Leaderboards/Competitions
    Milestone 14
    Snowge NFT Marketplace
    Milestone 15
    NFT Incentivized Charitable Donations
    Milestone 16
    SnowgeCoin Trading Card NFTs
    Milestone 17
    Physical Token Backing

Snowge McFloofy Últimas noticias

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