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Última actualización

15 nov 2018

Securypto ICO es un proyecto de cadena de bloques basado en Zerocoin, Masternode b que se centra en el almacenamiento y el cifrado anónimos. Incentivos de mercado Incremento de ingresos con distribución de anonimato. Crear mercados emergentes. Transfiera o guarde mensajes y archivos cifrados que no se pueden encontrar a través de Internet. Está conectado a una hoja de seguridad abierta para capas de seguridad adicionales. Se logra con la combinación de hardware, software y redes de bloques especialmente diseñados.
Pre Sale
dic, 2018
ene, 2019
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
Gol 100 000.00 USD
Gorra 200 000.00 USD
  • 1 SCU
    1.15 USD
Detalles del token
Suministro total
Monedas aceptadas
Contribución mínima
Detalles de la compañía
País registrado
Detalles adicionales
MVP / Prototipo
Lista blanca
, desde Oct 1, 2018 hasta que Dec 3, 2018

Acerca de Securypto


Ninguna cantidad de criptografía, desarrollo de protocolos de consenso y optimizaciones técnicas ayudarán a una criptomoneda con una ideología inestable y en bancarrota. Securypto no es solo una cadena de bloques, sino un proyecto de código abierto destinado a rediseñar la forma en que guardamos y transferimos datos para proteger nuestra privacidad.

En pocas palabras:

Securypto blockchain es lo que agrega una capa de privacidad en la parte superior de todas las características ofrecidas por el hardware dedicado (DSG) y el software. Al mismo tiempo, crea una gestión de contenido pagada que permite a los usuarios ser recompensados ​​por su contenido cargado y a los anfitriones a que se les pague por sus instalaciones de alojamiento y para esto necesita monedas de la SCU.

SCU es una moneda / ficha de utilidad que tiene un uso en el mundo real, necesaria para transferir datos encriptados anónimos en la cadena de bloques Securypto y monetizar la distribución de contenido. El token de Securypto se ha lanzado sobre la base de la plataforma Ethereum. Al cambiar de TestNet a MainNet, los tokens de SCU se intercambiarán por monedas de SCU en la cadena de bloques Securypto MainNet. El suministro total de tokens de SCU es de cien millones (100,000,000).

Al final de la ICO, una vez finalizadas todas las etapas, se quemarán todas las fichas no vendidas de la ICO. Esto crea más escasez y evita las concentraciones de tokens en el control de una entidad individual.

Total transparencia & amp; Contabilidad pública:

En Securypto queremos una total transparencia, y para lograr que todas las transacciones deban estar en línea y visibles al público en la cadena de bloques mediante un Contrato inteligente Ethereum y, como resultado de esto, no podemos aceptar ninguna otra criptomoneda o fiat. Esto garantiza que el público sepa exactamente cuánto se ha recaudado y cómo se gastarán.

Dado que la transparencia es la clave para un sistema descentralizado exitoso, los gastos también se registrarán en una lista de contabilidad de acceso público que coincidirá con los registros de la cadena de bloques Ethereum y se puede verificar en todo momento.


Como Securypto es un proyecto amplio, interrumpirá muchos servicios como;

  1. HollyWood / Netflix / Spotify, PirateBay
  2. Amazone Cloud
  3. WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal y otros servicios de mensajería.
  4. 2FA Hardwares
  5. Carteras de hardware

y muchos más & hellip; .. Sin embargo & hellip; & hellip;

Securypto en la mayoría de los casos no es una competencia sino una capa totalmente nueva o adicional que ofrece diferentes futuros y crea nuevos casos de uso.

Por ejemplo, en el caso de la mensajería segura, DSG puede usar WhatsApp, Telegram o Signal para transferir mensajes QR cifrados cuando la integridad del mensaje cifrado es importante para el remitente y no el anonimato.

En el caso de Hardware Wallet para cryptocurrencies, siempre hay una compensación entre facilidad de uso y seguridad. & ldquo; No puede llevar una bóveda de banco con usted en la carretera y no puede poner millones en su bolsillo. & rdquo; Dependiendo de la cantidad de activos que se necesitan almacenar / asegurar, debe elegir sabiamente la mejor bóveda posible. Nuestras recomendaciones son usar DSG para cantidades más altas donde se necesita la máxima seguridad.

Otro ejemplo sería la guerra en curso entre el cine, la industria musical y PirateBay u otros sitios de descarga de medios. La red Securypto se puede usar para transferir y almacenar datos que se han cifrado, no se pueden rastrear y se pueden monetizar, ya que el cargador y el host pueden elegir recibir el pago de la descarga. Más como una red de torrent pero en stroid combinada con bitcoin. Sin embargo, esto no remplazaría a Hollywood, Spotify, Netflix o PirateBay, pero solo da una nueva dimensión a la forma en que los datos se almacenan o distribuyen, ya que todas las partes pueden usar la red Securypto para ganar su propia batalla.

Securypto Roadmap

  • Q1 2017

  • Market research.
    Dev team assembling.
    Initial software development.
  • Q2 2017

  • Hardware team assembling.
    Initial hardware vault research.
    DigiSafeGuard. (DSG)
  • Q3 2017

  • Further development of hardware.
    Further development of software.
  • Q4 2017

  • Further development of hardware.
    Further development of software.
  • Lee mas
  • Q1 2018

  • Prototype production DigiSafeGuard.
    Digisafeguard Website Launch.
  • Q2 2018

  • Control panel development.
    ERC-20 ICO contract creation.
  • Q3 2018

  • ICO contract testing.
    ICO Promotion team assembling.
    Setup Community & Social media platforms.
    Marketing preparation.
  • Q4 2018

  • Test-net Masternode / Staking reconstructing.
    Initial Hardware development DSG-Lite.
    Initiating ICO Pre-Sale.
  • Q1 2019

  • Initiating ICO Public Sale
    Media promotion and publications.
  • Q2 2019

  • Test-net activation Securypto Blockchain.
    Marketing team assembling.
  • Q3 2019

  • IPFS integration preparation.
    Desktop Wallet development. Linux, Windows & Mac.
  • Q4 2019

  • Android & IOS wallet development.
    Onion routing integration preparation.
    IPFS integration
  • Q1 2020

  • Integration external hosting facilities.
    Hardware vault Production DSG.
    Onion routing activation.
    Preparation Securypto main-net.
  • Q2 2020

  • Securypto main-net launch.
    Exchanges adoption.
    Hardware Production DSG-Lite version.

Securypto Equipo

Verificado 100%

Sam Nokati
Lead Developer
Daniel Gan
Alfredo Boni
Sasan Seyedi
Hardware Engineer


$2 570 000

Khalil Ben Sassi
Senior Designer
Med Touati
Senior Designer
Kevin Pacayra
Ronak Surana
Content Manager


$216 000

Ahmed Rasheed
Mohammad Sakib
Content & Community Manager
Neyamul Hadi
Content & Community Manager


Timothy Arsan
Marketing & Promotion
Irakli Gvelesiani
Content & PR Manager

Securypto Entrevistas

Sam Nokati
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Cryptocurrency and blockchain will solve the problem of privacy, confidentiality, data immutability and security of user assets and dara in the next decade. My job is to insure that Securypto blockchain is ready to lead this technological revolution.
What do you think about idea?
The huge strength of Securypto project is the fact that we don't compromise on any level. This goes as far as even creating a dedicated hardware to ensure that we can ensure security and integrity of the system. Securypto philosophy is the same as "Don't trust but verify" method. Believing that highest level of security can only be achieved when every single user can verify the system integrity.
Daniel Gan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
A Full-Stack web developer/experienced C/C++ and my role as software developer for Securypto project.
What do you think about idea?
I think it's time to bring our digital assets security at our control and maintaining privacy and confidentiality.Technology trust is a good thing, but control is a better one. Securypto project will always work in total transparency and open source that's make it success.
Alfredo Boni
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I I am responsible for the further development of the DigiSafeGuard software and implantation of DSG base code.
What do you think about idea?
Your messages and other uploaded data can be encrypted, however they are not truly anonymous. Your internet provider or anybody else sniffing your internet can link your files & messages to your payments, visited websites and your conversation parties. This is a major privacy concern what can easily be solved using Securypto Blockchain as a protection layer.
Sasan Seyedi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role as Senior Hardware Engineer is to oversee the development of the hardware side of the project from design to production and beyond.
What do you think about idea?
I think this is a project which brings us back to the essence of the blockchain revolution in which people seemed had lost themselves in the hype and forgot about the core values. I am excited to be part of this project.
Khalil Ben Sassi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a graphic designer of securypto, I can help in making every kind of design ( like, Animated video, banners....) .
What do you think about idea?
I think that the idea of this project is unique, I never saw something like it, Hope we will reach to the successful.
Med Touati
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm the project graphic designer, my job is doing my best to make everything looks good and appealing to the eye.
What do you think about idea?
The idea behind the project is very unique, and very needed in the current cryptocurrency world, deploying it will really make the difference
Kevin Pacayra
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role is on marketing and community building aspect and I'll do my role to make this project a success.
What do you think about idea?
The goal of Securypto is to be the best in field of crypto asset security and privacy across internet. And with great team composition and working product I know we can achieve it.
Ronak Surana
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am content manager at Securypto. I write articles and other content for Securypto. I am responsible for whitepaper editing, proofreading and content creation.
What do you think about idea?
The unquiness and innovative idea of this project is beyond words. Securypto not only provides anonymous storage and encrypted data transfer, but also monitizes Paid Content Management. Also the hardware DigiSafeGuard provides unmatched security and privacy.
Ahmed Rasheed
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I play an active role in the community management (telegram and discord) and content publication for this project
What do you think about idea?
Securypto is here to redefine and revolutionize social media security leveraging on the blockchain. The ideal that births this project is one borne out of vision and the fact that the need for enhanced security in the blockchain industry can never be overemphasized
Mohammad Sakib
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
The team of the project is from all around the world and everyone has their own distinct role. My role in the team of Securypto is to create contents about the project, make Securypto widespread and let people know about the project itself.
What do you think about idea?
Securypto is ensuring that everyone gets the power to protect their privacy from any kind of harm and attack. Privacy is something that everyone values. The team is working on the product and we are positive we will achieve our targets.
Timothy Arsan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My job is to help bring exposure to the project, and build a strong community that believes in what we do. By connecting believing like-minded individuals, our project will be able to reach our goals and missions. Through marketing, I help make Securypto a success.
What do you think about idea?
I have always been told to think big, and that is what Securypto aims for. I think that as an idea, Securypto has the chance to make a large impact on the way security works using blockchain technology. Once goals are met, the idea definitely will make its mark on the Internet.
Neyamul Hadi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My Duty in Securypto is to write contents and possible community management. I'll be working to let the world knowing about Securypto by my content as well as supporting Securypto community.
What do you think about idea?
The concept of the project is really unique to ensure the security of our crypto assets and privacy. We all team members will be working to achieve the goal of the project and will bring a revolution in internet security with Blockchain technology.

Securypto Últimas noticias

5.0 0
ICO Perfil Visión Actividad Potencial Producto Equipo
  • Debido a que puede haber diferencias de tiempo en las actualizaciones de información, la información precisa sobre cada proyecto ICO debe verificarse a través de su sitio web oficial u otros canales de comunicación.
  • Esta información no es una sugerencia o consejo para invertir en fondos de la OIC. Por favor, investigue a fondo la información relevante y decida la participación de la OIC.
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