Global EmergeTech Summit 2022


Economies and Businesses are now folding in a fair mix of six technologies that constitute the gamut of emerging technologies – AI, IoT, Blockchain, Chatbots, 5G and AR. The adoption of these technologies is an important factor in propelling organizations that are looking to stay ahead of the competition and evolve. Countries in the Middle East are some of the leading nations globally in adopting emerging technologies. This can be primarily credited to the ambitious national ICT strategies established by these countries very early on.

Owing to these strategies, organizations have been evolving at a measured pace, prior to COVID-19, driven by changing customer expectations, heightened competition from incumbents and new entrants, evolving regulations, and advancements in technology. In a matter of weeks, COVID-19 overturned those conventions. Businesses around the world have been racing to catch up with the ever-evolving technological trends shaping the way they operate and serve their clients. 

Elahriex Concepts in association with the International Center for Strategic Alliances (ICSA), present the Global Emergetech Summit, to be held on the 10th  of May 2022, in Dubai, in a Hybrid format. You can attend the live stream online or join the event in-person in Dubai.  The event will focus on Impactful Innovations Influencing Digital Transformation

The Summit will host leaders and experts from across the region representing, varied industry verticals and have inputs by Seham El Behissy, Product & Connected Services Expert - Africa, Middle-East, India & Pacific, Renault Group; Dr. Jassim Haji, President Artificial Intelligence Society / President International Group of Artificial Intelligence; Frederik Bisbjerg, Executive Director, Digitalization & Innovation, Daman – National Insurance Company; Sreejit Chakrabarty, Director of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, GEMS Education; Sumit Puri, Managing Director, Synergy Digital Solutions and many more.

“At the Global Emergetech Summit, we aim to explore how key technologies at the frontier, such as cloud and AI, to those that form the bridge to tomorrow, such as Big Data, IoT  and Blockchain, are impacting businesses. The Summit will look into the current adoption of these technologies in the Middle East, along with the benefits they have to offer and discuss best and next practices that leaders & experts are following to foster a successful transformation.”, said Mohammed Thoufiq, Director Partnerships at ICSA.

“Now more than ever, the accelerated adoption of emerging technologies like AI, Data, and Cloud hold the potential to enable the industry to recover and thrive from the impact of COVID-19.”, he added.

The summit will is an ideal platform for networking with industry players; senior managers, decision-makers, and practitioners operating in the transformation space and making the most of emerging technologies like AI, Data, and Cloud. 

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About ICSA: 

ICSA is a group of leading industry professionals and innovators. We specialize in organizing conferences, summits, webinars, exclusive virtual managed events, round-tables and trainings that act as a gateway between you, your target market, your direct buyers and leading experts in all industries, especially technology and digital innovation.

We understand the importance of well researched data and the value it holds to businesses. Hence, with extensive industry knowledge we offer exclusive get-togethers, and trainings, including a blend of case studies, white papers, curated info-graphics and much more with data and insights to give you a competitive edge unlike any other.

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Aaron Watson, <Designation>, ICSA