CEE Block Sofia


CEE Block Sofia will take place on Oct. 25-26 in Sofia Tech Park and will gather highest-level policymakers from the European Commission and European Union member states and investors.
Led by the European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society the event will focus on the current regulatory, legal and tax frameworks and  the changes needed to be made in order to harness the countless opportunities of blockchain and avoid a fragmented approach with a view to developing a blockchain infrastructure that can enhance value-based, trusted, user-centric digital services across borders within the Digital Single Market.
Working blockchain applications in various industries will be showcased and will highlight the best practices from the enterprise, government and municipality domains. In addition, established companies and pitching start-ups that share the vision to play a role in the decentralized economy, will have the chance to present their ideas and business models in Sofia Tech Park during the Forum.
The Forum is organized by CEE Block in partnership with Telelink, Sofia Tech Park, Industria, Solutions for the Future, National Digital Alliance.
The event will be visited by European government delegations from the 22 member states, led by the Ministers who sighed the Blockchain Declaration of Cooperation earlier this year where Mariya Gabriel, said: “In the future, all public services will use [Blockchain] technology. Blockchain is a great opportunity for Europe and Member States to rethink their information systems, to promote user trust and the protection of personal data, to help create new business opportunities and to establish new areas of leadership, benefiting citizens, public services and companies.”

Early Bird tickets already in sell. 

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Viliana Staneva