Phil Western

Government services
About Phil Western
I am a client-centric, progressive senior executive with highly developed leadership skills and extensive experience in strategic planning and people and client relationship management across both public and private sectors. I am accomplished in leading multifaceted projects and strategic initiatives, including initiatives involving the development and implementation of cultural and organisational change. I am an advocate for service excellence and place significant emphasis on employee empowerment. I see it of critical importance to create and sustain organisational environments with a focus on the customer, and the provision of commercially viable solutions that are aligned with best practice principles and deliver a high level of customer engagement. My stakeholder engagement and management expertise is highly developed and I am skilled in forming and maintaining productive partnerships and alliances with key industry participants. I have a sound understanding of Government relations, and am knowledgeable in risk management, governance and a broad range of regulations and legislative frameworks. My recent achievements include: ● Facilitation of the growth of Government services, clients and product and service offerings for Opteon Property Group. ● Facilitated an organisation-wide cultural shift to focus on commercial long-term viability and a high level of customer engagement. As NSW Valuer General: ● I developed and implemented a customer-centric philosophy and culture across client service delivery channels resulting in the rate of 86% of the approximate 36,000 customer calls per annum resolved at first contact. ● Designed and implemented an improved customer communications strategy which resulted in an approximate 75% reduction in customer appeals and more efficient allocation of resources. ● Implemented a Management Assurance Framework that recognises key business risks and develops appropriate risk mitigation strategies.
  • Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM)
    • Leading Change Program
  • Mt Eliza Business School
    • Senior Management Course
  • New Zealand Institute of Management
    • Senior Management Leadership Course
  • See 3 more
  • Massey University
    • Diploma of Business Studies (Management)
  • New Zealand College of Management
    • Leadership Course
  • Lincoln College, New Zealand
    • Bachelor of Agricultural Commerce
  • Opteon Property Group
    • Head of Government Services (Australia and New Zealand )
  • Opteon Property Group
    • National Government and Asset Services Manager
  • Opteon Property Group
    • Head of Government Services
  • See 3 more
  • Valuation New Zealand
    • Regional Manager
  • Quotable Value Rating (QV) New Zealand and QV Rating Australia
    • General Manager
    • Australia and New Zealand
  • NSW Office of Finance & Services, Land and Property Information
    • Valuer General - NSW
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