Finance is one of the most important raw materials for every business. Best to source it professionally, showing one's firm or project in the best light, making use of competition between financiers and minimize fees, legal costs and interest burden. With 20 years of experience in banking, we know how to talk to whom in the Polish financial sector, with contacts to banks, investment funds, institutional investors and governmental departments . We are in partnerships with ADVICUM, Austria, and BSJP, Poland, which extends our network of financial contacts to Austria, German and Switzerland. In addition we cooperate with Allianz Group to provide taylored insurance solution for businesses. Often our clients bought companies in Poland and now face the task to implement their strategies locally. Financial interim management as performed by us includes strategic budget planning (implementing growth and merger strategies, and business development), daily spending supervision, financial monitoring and reporting, reviewing of any contracts, cooperation with auditors and tax advisors and drafting and implementing of internal financial guidelines. Having worked with German, Austrian, Dutch, Israelian and Anglosaxon clients in Poland, we are able to bridge cultural differences smoothly. In interim management, our partnership with BSJP gives us instantaneous access to legal and tax advice.
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