Glenn Shiell

Principal / Business Development Lead
About Glenn Shiell
I am a PhD qualified marine scientist with approximately 20 years of research and consulting experience in the fields of marine and freshwater science. In this time, I have managed numerous large environmental monitoring and management programs for a range of clients, spanning the aquaculture, waste water and oil and gas industries. I am an expert in the application of marine environmental quality management frameworks, development and application of offshore aquaculture EIA and maintain specialist skills in experimental design and statistical power analysis. Although beginning my career as a technical scientist, my natural abilities in communication and sales quickly led to business development roles, including my present positions as BMT’s marketing communications lead, aquaculture campaign director and client representative. Through these roles I have fostered strong stakeholder / client relationships, built new business arms (both interstate and overseas) and revitalised my company’s approach to digital and print media communication. Further enhancing my communication skills, I also recently founded, promoted and developed a successful news / media website, blog and social media platforms (Snowriders Australia), which to date have amassed 12K cumulative followers. In addition to my primary role as principal consultant and marketing lead at BMT Oceanica, I am also a senior advisor at EachMile Technologies; a principal environmental advisor at SmartAqua, and senior research fellow at Curtin University, where I am regularly invited to teach students in the art of monitoring program design and aquaculture EIA. I also travel regularly to the Middle East where I am working with the Abu Dhabi Environment Agency and Ministry of Climate Change and Energy to develop a sustainable sea cage aquaculture industry.
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