Cooper Turley

ICO Project Manager
$ 2,359,361
Projects Raised
United States
About Cooper Turley

To date, blockchain and cryptocurrency solutions suffer from a drastic lack of education and tangible adoption. These barriers to entry have made it difficult to understand that these technologies are quickly evolving beyond the headlines concerning pricing and volatility.

By working directly with projects looking to tokenize their business through the use of blockchain-based systems, I'm become passionate about constructing economic models with the end user in mind. This mindset has allowed me to develop ecosystems across a variety of niches and continues to be a stable platform for innovation.

I by no means claim to be an "expert" in this space, but I can certainly provide a vast amount of knowledge on the large majority of blockchain-based projects as well as the key indicators as to why they were successful in the past few years.

If you or your business are interested in learning more about blockchain or cryptocurrencies, please feel free to reach out and let's find a time to chat!

  • University of Colorado Denver
    • Bachelors
    • Music Business
  • University of Colorado Boulder
    • Bachelors
    • Accounting
  • FLUX
    • ICO Project Manager
  • 7S Management
    • Marketing Intern
  • Opu Labs, Inc.
    • Community Development Manager
  • See 4 more
  • University of Colorado Boulder
    • Fundraiser
  • TeamMate AI
    • Lead ICO Project Manager
  • Colorado Blockchain
    • ICO Reserach & Data Analytics
    • Music Discovery Intern
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