Sales a la calle y tienes algunas fichas de McFly. Las fichas son "vuelo en sí". Los usas para pedir un vehículo aéreo (despegue y aterrizaje vertical eléctrico, autónomo o semiprotiled) a la zona de aterrizaje más cercana o directamente a su casa techo y usa su dispositivo móvil.
En ocasiones deseará votar para obtener un servicio prioritario (para ejemplo, en el caso de una falta temporal de vehículos disponibles en su zona). Entonces lo haces de dos maneras:
Hasta 10 veces más rápido que el automóvil: evite atascos de tráfico y guardar & nbsp; tiempo
Menos de $ 8 * por minuto: justo y asequible para todos
Respetuoso con el medio ambiente: menores emisiones
2017 - Launch
Primer vuelo
2018 - First Flight
2019 - Manufacturing
2020 - Deployment
Verificado 33%
Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo
Verificado 80%
Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo
This entails the application of block chain technology in solving problems associated with air taxi markets. The decentralization of the flight industry has improved operational efficiencies bringing on board qualified pilots cutting the edges in aviation. This project promotes easy and faster exploration within any locations as it uses secure means of transport via the chargers, landing pads and flying vehicles basically known as eVTOL. This makes the project viable and of great importance more so to safe travellers and tourist.
Fast and affordable travels: There is honesty in the city flight with respect to the flight charges which are set within controlled standards of competition thus making them affordable to all travellers.
Ownership benefit: The owners of the elements used in the flight usually get better rewards whenever the chargers, landing pads or eVTOL are hired by the firm offering the travelling services. However before any travel, the customers’ security is a key element and they have to undergo various test and services for a faster and easier travel.
Increased productivity: The project facilates an increase in the production of more qualified pilots within a very short period of time hence creating employment to the younger generation.
High operational and maintenance costs: The cost incurred during the maintenance of the element is usually very high as they have sophiscated parts with the application of advanced technology which usually requires more qualified personnel carry out repairs. The smooth operations of these elements further requires large infrastructures to avoid unneccesary accidents.
Government rules: The government has enacted stun rules and regulations which hinders the full exploitation of this project across the world.
With the increased demand of adventure, Mcfly token stands higher chances in operation as it offers faster, safer and reliable travels. This project is therefore suitable in increasing revenue and economic growth thus making it very viable.
The world of air taxis is closer than you think. Today, a number of major corporations are developing air taxi prototypes. These air taxis will be able to fly autonomously through cities on pre-planned routes, solving traffic jam problems below.
McFly isn’t creating its own air taxis. Instead, the company is creating the platform that democratizes and decentralizes the air taxi industry. Instead of letting the government control air taxis, McFly wants to create a decentralized, blockchain-based platform where users control the air taxi industry. It describes it as a “proof of flight” blockchain.
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