Última actualización
2 oct 2018
LeadRex is innovative product aimed at increasing the conversion of advertising campaigns and reducing operating costs.
The basis of the platform is artificial intelligence, which is necessary for the analysis and selection of the target audience and converting it into to customers who are ready to purchase a product or service.
The platform is developed in accordance with the principles of scalability and decentralization, based on the technologies Ethereum and Enecuum. Each Blockchain will work apart. This is to fully ensure the stability and selfsufficiency of the platform. Besides the data obtained will always be reliable and unchanged, and the operations performed are transparent.
The core of the platform integrates all the components necessary for launching and running the campaign, which can be used simultaneously or connected of necessity:
Marketplace will be able to offer premium solutions from thirdparty developers and LeadRex teams for the constructor of selling pages, banners and chat bots.
Constructor of selling pages with a set of ready-made templates from professional UX-designers and marketers. If desired, each user of the platform will be able to create his own template using a bank of ready-made building blocks and technology “drag-n-drop”. Each landing will turn out to be unique and can change the result of issuing to the requests of a client.
Constructor of banners with a set of ready-made templates from professional marketers. If desired, each user of the platform will be able to create his own banner using a bank of ready-made building blocks and technology “drag-n-drop”.
Constructor of chat-bots with sets of ready-made templates from professional marketers. If desired, each user of the platform will be able to create his own chat-bot using a bank of ready-made building blocks and technology “drag-n-drop”, and the visual constructor will be executed as a “mind map”. It is not necessary to be able to prescribe the algorithm of the chat-bot operation, it is enough to know what actions it should perform and in what order.
The targeted advertising module in social networks will help you set up a campaign thanks to a bank of advertising posts and a handy editor with real-time results displayed.
The contextual advertising module with a set of ad templates from professional marketers. If desired, each user of the platform will be able to create his own ad or template, according to which it will be created. A convenient editor will be also available to view the result in real time.
The analytics module is the link for all modules of the system. Each user of the platform will be able to generate statistics about each launched advertising campaign or the operation of a separate module. All information will be available in real time. Based on the results of the generated statistics, optimization options will be offered.
CRM-system in real time collects customer database and their history of actions. The analytical base for buyers of all service users is formed from the collected data, which allows more efficient selling of related services or goods.
Artificial intelligence in real time analyzes a lot of advertising channels and end-to-end analytical database of customers, assembled and structured by categories CRM-system. It forms a retargeting base for generating additional sales by offering discounts through the display of banners, ads or personalized offers.
The API provides two-way integration of the LeadRex platform with other services.
Integration modules allow you to connect to the platform any site for analysis of user behavior and the formation of personalized proposals based on its interests.
Multifunctional smart contracts provide transparency of the reporting system for depositors and they are responsible for the formation of an analytical database.
Plataforma de generación de leads LeadRex es una plataforma de autoformación compleja basada en inteligencia artificial, que en un futuro próximo será el primer producto innovador destinado a aumentar la conversión de campañas publicitarias y reducir los costos operativos. La base de la plataforma es la inteligencia artificial, que es necesaria para el análisis y la selección del público objetivo. El usuario podrá convertirlos en clientes que estén listos para comprar un producto o servicio.
1st quarter of 2018
2nd quarter of 2018
3rd quarter of 2018
4th quarter of 2018
1st quarter of 2019
2nd quarter of 2019
3rd quarter of 2019
Verificado 75%
Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo
Verificado 88%
Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo
I see a lot of projects and this is one of the first I have seen for lead generation. Strong team and solid product. Look forward to seeing the platform up and running after a successful fundraise.
In this project a very strong team has gathered and it is clear that the guys are trying. The website looks great too. Good design, everything is in place. White paper is also not overloaded with unnecessary information. Everything is clear.
KYC verification was passed by three team members. Linkedin active profiles.
The only thing to which there are questions is MVP, but I contacted the projects and they promised me that they would release it to ICO, so for now I will put 4, but as soon as they show me the proof that they have finished the product, I will put 5.
Good luck, guys!
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