Hugon Quentin

Senior Manager | Regional Accounting and Internal Control Expert – EMEA chez Lumileds
$ 1,304,498
Projects Raised
About Hugon Quentin
Quentin Hugon spent 11 years within PwC’s Assurance practice in France, USA and New-Caledonia starting October 2016. Quentin aslo worked at Deloitte's Paris office in the Accounting Advisory Services and engaged in various projects and now works at Lumileds. Quentin has accumulated significant audit experience across a range of services, including internal audit, sox 404 compliance, complex accounting treatment. Quentin has worked with clients across a range of industries, including utilities, mining, retail, automotive, pharmaceutical, education, assurance and not for profit. He has done a 2 years tour in PwC Paris (2008-2009), PwC Dallas (2015-2016), Deloitte Paris (2017-2018) and is currently based in the Lumiled's Amsterdam office.
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