Gabriela Chang

EthicHub PR & Partners Node · Mujeres y Blockchain founder · Product Designer & Lab in Action Co-Founder
Projects Raised
About Gabriela Chang
My perception of the brain is that of a warehouse-laboratory-greenhouse, a place to take ideas-concept-seeds to investigate, experiment and sprout them into this humus made of practical, professional and personal experiences. I consider constant learning a must: new knowledge, people and countries to add wider perspective to that already known. I was born in Mexico and studied Product Design. Although I’ve worked as freelance most of my professional life, before moving to Spain I worked at the Secretary of Economic Development for almost 5 years, leading the department of Design and Branding. I learned about blockchain while editing the Whitepaper for EthicHub, and it was like love on first sight: the moment I got a glimpse of its powerful ability to transform our world I went head on this project: I truly believe mutual benefit is the most powerful driver for sustainable economic development. A formidable global solution is not on the hands of "other people": we are able to take action and change the world.
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