Hicky (PreICO)

Hicky (PreICO)

Created using Figma

Última actualización

18 ene 2018

La exclusiva aplicación de citas descentralizada que revolucionará la forma en que pensamos acerca de las citas en línea.
Public Sale
14 feb 2018
14 mar 2018
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
  • 1 PKY
    1 USD
Pre Sale
14 ene 2018
14 feb 2018
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
  • 1 PKY
    1 USD
Detalles del token
Monedas aceptadas
Detalles de la compañía
País registrado
British Virgin Islands
Detalles adicionales

Acerca de Hicky (PreICO)

Picky es una plataforma de citas descentralizada construida en el público Ethereum blockchain.

La visión de Picky es crear una experiencia de citas que se fusione dinámicas sociales de la vida real con los efectos incentivadores del comportamiento inherente en una economía tokenizada. Una plataforma descentralizada elimina los riesgos de seguridad de la información al tiempo que permite un superior alineación de incentivos entre los participantes en la red.

El token Picky es un token de utilidad modular que alimenta interacciones en la red Picky. Las interacciones incluyen la habilidad para que coincida con otros usuarios, la facilitación de mensajes entre participantes, y un sistema de incentivos impulsado por el usuario gobernanza.

Este documento destaca el caso para construir un sistema descentralizado red de citas en un blockchain público y detalla una propuesta para tal red.


Puede encontrar todas las funciones útiles en nuestro documento técnico . Un ejemplo es nuestra Red de Citas Autónomas Descentralizadas (DAD) que se ejecuta en un modelo de incentivación que & nbsp; funciona dentro del nuevo paradigma de la criptoeconomía descentralizada. El comportamiento positivo está & nbsp; incentivado económicamente mientras se fomenta la construcción de la comunidad a través del modelo de gobernanza (descentralizado) de las partes interesadas. La ficha de Picky, como el dinero en el mundo real, forma la columna vertebral de esta red. Debe enfatizarse que el DAD es fundamentalmente una entidad impulsada por el ser humano, democrática y

Información técnica

Token ERC20 & nbsp;
Hard Cap: 36.000 ETH
Tokens totales: 481.500.000 PKY
Telegram Chat: @getpicky o t.me / getpicky
Formas de pago: ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC

PKY recibida por los contribuyentes será transferible 7 días después del final del Período de Contribución.

Hicky (PreICO) Roadmap

  • The Picky Vision is Founded (2017 Q1)

  • Realizing that the problems associated with online dating stem from lack of authenticity, lack of security, and misaligned incentives between platform users and owners, the core team members come together to discuss a solution. The utility of blockchain applications rapidly becomes apparent as an increasingly wide variety of Ethereum-based projects are being proposed around the world. A blockchain based dating platform emerges as the solution to the frankly dangerous state of online dating. The foundation of Picky becomes a reality and the core team gets ready to disrupt the status quo.
  • Phase 1

  • Start of our CompanyFoundation of Picky - First thoughts about crating a fair dating app based on blockchain technology.
  • 2017 Q1 - Founding of Hicky

  • The main problems in online dating stem from a general misalignment of incentives between platform owners and users, leading to a lack of authenticity in the user base as well as the lack of security and privacy inherent to centralised systems. With backgrounds in blockchain and online dating, the four core members decide to spec out a solution based on the architectural possibilities of the Ethereum blockchain. Hicky is born.
  • Team Building (2017 Q2)

  • Seven blockchain enthusiasts come together. They are differentiated by their diversified experience in wide ranging industries. Combining 15 years of online dating experience (Marketing / Lead Generation / Product Development) with 8 years of blockchain industry insights and business development, the necessary ingredients to Picky a success come together. First goal: Build an MVP to collect feedback from early adopters.
  • Lee mas
  • Phase 2

  • Team BuildingSeven Blockchain enthusiasts coming together. First goal: Build an MVP to collect feedback from early adopters.
  • 2017 Q2 - Team Building

  • As they say, an idea is with nothing, it’s all about the execution. Three more team members join the project each bringing in expertise from a variety of fields including product development, software development, blockchain architecture, design and marketing to build an MVP, collect user feedback and test the waters.
  • The First Version of Picky is Developed and Tested (2017 Q3)

  • The team builds a closed beta first version of the Picky application to give it out to close friends and business associates for the purposes of gathering feedback. This early MVP has some of the core features of the app, including: 1.) Private Messaging 2.) Encrypted data 3.) Verified Customer Data with facial recognition (beta-version).
  • Phase 3

  • First MVPBeta-Application is built and only given out to friends, business partners and other chosen people. Implementations made in this MVP: 1) Private Messaging 2) Encrypted data 3) Verified Customer Data including face recognition (beta-version).
  • 2017 Q3 - Development and Testing

  • The team completes an Alpha version of the Hicky application and opens it to close friends and business associates to gather initial feedback. The Alpha includes the following features: encrypted messaging, encrypted data storage and identity verification via face scan technology.
  • Picky Decides to Conduct a Token Generation Event (2017 Q4)

  • The token utility and structure is carefully set to up align incentives in the Picky DApp economy. In order to bring Picky to the masses the decision is made to conduct a token generation event. The crowd-sale is designed in the most democratic, transparent, and fair way possible in order to ensure a wide and even distribution of tokens.
  • Phase 4

  • ICO
  • 2017 Q4 - Hicky Token Sale

  • The conceptualisation of the underlying token economy for the Hicky network is finalised and the smart contract for the Hicky token (HKY) sale is developed. The cofounders from Blockmason.io (Michael and Tim) joins as advisors with experience in crypto finance and token architecture respectively.
  • Massive Team Expansion (2018 Q1)

  • In order to bring the Picky DApp to the mainstream as quickly as possible, we plan to hire and onboard highly qualified people to complete the Picky team. We expect to onboard professionals from the areas of development, project management, online marketing and customer support.
  • Phase 5

  • Development & extension of our teamThe First priority after our Initial Coin Offering is to further develop our DApp. Therefore we want to make the Dapp available on devices other than the Iphone. We are also planning a blockchain based ranking of the users based on their behaviour. For that we will assemble the most competent team possible.
  • 2018 Q1 - Token Sale and Alpha Launch

  • The token sale event will start with a private sale on the 14. January and the public sale will start on Valentine’s Day, 14. February. Furthermore the alpha version of the Hicky Decentralised Application (DApp) will be released by the end of Q1. The team will be expanded in order to cater to the different projects.
  • Europe Market Introduction (2018 Q2)

  • Picky will be introduced to the European market with a live and functioning version of Picky on both IOS and Android. Our team will focus on marketing with the aim of gaining the biggest market share among dating apps in Europe.
  • 2018 Q2 - Hicky DApp Launch

  • Hicky will launch its DApp for both the iOS and Android platforms. We will initially launch the DApp in english, making it available to users in the European market. We will be focusing on building a strong brand within Europe before expanding to further countries.
  • Further Country Expansion (2018 Q3)

  • Since Picky will be already available in the European zone, it is now time to bring Picky to different Markets around the world. We will be focussing on markets that already have a massive adoption of dating apps. We therefore, will have to onboard and open offices in strategic locations to support and manage the expansion.
  • 2018 Q3 - Country Expansion

  • From our European base we will be making Hicky available in countries beyond Europe, mainly Asia, as the adoption of dating apps is already strong in many of the countries. We will onboard more further team members to cater for the expansion and also provide valuable insights into the market specifics.
  • Introduction of Monetizing Schemes (2018 Q4)

  • We first and foremost keep our promise to ensure that Picky will never be an annoying dating application. However, we have identified several ways to introduce a monetization option in order to further enhance the Picky experience. The priority however remains to keep Picky a pleasurable dating experience for our users.
  • 2018 Q4 - Partnerships & Monetisation

  • The idea behind Hicky is to create a fair, secure and trustworthy network. As the ecosystem expands and increasingly more DApps are being developed, the strength of the network depends its the interconnectivity. We will be focusing on forming strong relations with our partners. Furthermore, our monetization concepts will be implemented.

Hicky (PreICO) Equipo

Verificado 18%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo

Julian Fuchs
Lisa Lamina
Patrick Schwetlick
Product Development
Kian Schreiber
Blockchain Strategy
Christian Gorgas
Smart Contracts & Product
Dusia Lewandowska
Björn Barthel
Growth Hacker
Graham Stone
Eric Reinhardt
Technology & Design
Danny Endert
Samed Sulanc


Verificado 0%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo


$5 700 000

Hermione Way
Michael Chin
Timothy Galebach

Hicky (PreICO) Entrevistas

Julian Fuchs
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Business Stategy
Björn Barthel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am Growth Hacker at Picky. In my honest opinion the Idea will kick a** in the Dating industry. Picky will change Online Dating.
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