Cryptofights: Battlegrounds Evolved

Cryptofights: Battlegrounds Evolved

Android, Windows, iOS
Role-playing (RPG)

CryptoFights is an RPG combat game where you compete against friends and foes in a D&D inspired fantasy world.

Customize your build! Cast spells! Combat with weapons or your bare fists! Collect free NFT weapons & armor every time you win!

Easy to play. Easy to win. Easy to earn. We couldn't tell you how CryptoFights pulls it off, but let's just say we know a thing or two about blockchain magic!

Trade and sell in the FYX Gaming marketplace - that operates off BSV, where transferring large funds to your favorite wallet requires just a few cents.

Coming This Year: Crafting & Enchanting.

Collect materials. Enchant weapons and armor. Build never before seen NFT's.

We have many other surprises and features coming this year - but those who play now will benefit the most when those release!

Want to make more? Players and spectators can place bets on the outcomes of fights, making a winning character more valuable as they battle. On top of that, we love transparency. The blockchain also stores all past fight moves and results—allowing for greater transparency, replays of any past fight, and detailed analysis of each battle.