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Última actualización

15 may 2018

FarmaTrust ha creado una plataforma que elimina los medicamentos falsificados, crea eficiencias en la industria farmacéutica y permite la compra de medicamentos genuinos en cualquier lugar y en línea. Construido en blockchain, nuestro sistema utiliza inteligencia artificial y análisis de big data.
  • Mercado
    Volumen 24H
    24H (precio)
    24H (volumen)
  • Liquid
    FTT/USDT 2 one year ago
    $ 39.33
    $ 19.417 K
  • Liquid
    FTT/USD 2 one year ago
    $ 38.53
    $ 50.124 K
  • Liquid
    FTT/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 39.21
    $ 9.104 K
  • Liquid
    FTT/ETH 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0035
  • CoinBene
    FTT/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0124
    $ 242.03
  • Idex
    FTT/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0005
    $ 46.53
  • Bitforex
    FTT/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0011
  • Bitforex
    FTT/USDT 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0012
  • Liquid
    FTT/QASH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0006
  • Liquid (Quoine)
    FTT/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0037
  • Liquid (Quoine)
    FTT/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0040
  • Liquid (Quoine)
    FTT/QASH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0235
Main sale
jun, 2018
jul, 2018
100% terminado
$20 250 000
100% gol terminado
  • 1 FTC
    0.05 USD
1 jun 2018
15 jun 2018
100% terminado
$7 000 000
100% gol terminado
  • 1 FTC
    0.04 USD
Detalles del token
Monedas aceptadas
Detalles de la compañía
País registrado
United Kingdom
Detalles adicionales
Lista blanca
, desde May 1, 2018
Criptomoneda, Salud

Acerca de FarmaTrust

Plataforma cruzada
FarmaTrust funciona con cualquier sistema y es compatible con cualquier plataforma. Es seguro, seguro, encriptado e inmutable.

Inteligencia Artificial
FarmaTrust utiliza la tecnología AI para analizar datos y crear eficiencia e interactuar con los usuarios.

Big Data
El sistema FarmaTrust proporciona la información más completa sobre la industria farmacéutica en tiempo real y global.

El sistema FarmaTrust funciona internacionalmente, con diferentes números de serie, diferentes regulaciones y diferentes países.


: salva vidas al proporcionar un pedigrí del medicamento y confianza en el fabricante.
- salva vidas al liberar datos previamente encerrados de los usuarios de un medicamento para uso de R & amp; D -
- significativamente reduce los costos de desarrollo (usa tecnología existente)
- proporciona infalibilidad de la infraestructura
- no hay una base de datos central.
- proporciona inmutabilidad
- no hay una base de datos central y un libro mayor descentralizado.
- proporciona integridad de registro, y no se puede corromper.
- proporciona potencial para la medicina personalizada.
- es agnóstico de la regulación
- multitud de configuraciones.
- aumenta las eiciencias con inteligencia artificial en la cadena de suministro.
- facilita la demanda en línea
- los productos pueden ser verificados si son genuinos.
& nbsp;

Información técnica

FarmaTrust requiere tokens de utilidad que se utilizan para rastrear los diversos artículos y paquetes de medicamentos a través de nuestra plataforma, así como para pagar las herramientas y servicios proporcionados por FarmaTrust.

FarmaTrust Roadmap

  • Mayo de 2016

  • Identificó el problema de la falsificación de drogas
    Investigó el mercado farmacéutico
    Profunda investigación sobre el problema
  • Junio ​​de 2016

  • Investigación en blockchain
    Como funciona
    Descubre las plataformas disponibles
    Identifica las mejores plataformas
  • Septiembre de 2016

  • Búsqueda de ingenieros de blockchain
    Detalles del proyecto
    Código de investigación
  • Diciembre de 2016

  • Desarrollado primera versión
    Desarrolladores de pila completa incorporados
    Establecer arquitectura y diseño
  • Lee mas
  • Marzo de 2017

  • Prototipo de trabajo disponible
    Proporcionar demostración de prototipo
    Inclusión de AI y aprendizaje automático
  • Junio ​​de 2017

  • Amplíe el equipo de gestión de FarmaTrust
    Explore las opciones de financiamiento
    La estructura del equipo cambió
    Nuevos miembros de TI reclutados
  • Septiembre de 2017

  • Asesores buscados y designados
    Primeros borradores de whitepaper
    Expansión de la definición del producto
    Demostrar MVP a las partes interesadas
  • Diciembre de 2017

  • Preventa privada
  • Marzo de 2018

  • Extender MVP actual de blockchain
    Pruebas completas de escala y velocidad
    Expansión de la descripción del producto
    Demostrar MVP a las partes interesadas
    Evento de distribución de tokens
    Crea una aplicación web
  • Junio ​​de 2018

  • Implementar estrategia de marketing y operaciones
    Crear un módulo de informes regulatorios
    Crear el servicio de inteligencia artificial y análisis
    Pruebas Alfa y Beta
    Aplicación Wallet y aplicación móvil
  • Septiembre de 2018

  • Mejora de la API de seguimiento de paquetes
    Desarrollar capas API y documentación
    Desarrollo continuo de microservicios
    Desarrollar motor de eventos de negocios
    Extienda el aprendizaje automático profundo
    Publicar en la tienda de aplicaciones y google play
  • Diciembre de 2018

  • Continuar construyendo el ecosistema API
    Construye capa de abstracción y conectores para múltiples blockchains
    Desarrollar estándares y protocolos de interoperabilidad para el intercambio dinámico de datos
    Aplicaciones móviles adicionales para el puerto de entrada
    Datos del arnés / AI
  • Marzo de 2019

  • Implementar aplicaciones móviles de clientes para el consumidor final, farmacia y despacho de aduana
  • Abril de 2019

  • Lanzamiento de producción de Zoi

FarmaTrust Equipo

Verificado 100%


$27 250 000

Anthony Tudor St Joh...


$16 375 913

Raja Sharif
CEO, Founder
Peter Bryant
Shahnawaz Aziz
Jeffrey Middelbos
Community Manager
Eszter Bohus
Head of Global Brand & Markcomms


Verificado 100%


$87 994 721

David Allen Cohen
Chief Technology Adviser
Stephen Cole
Advisory Board Member
Chris Saynor
Advisory Board Member
Timothy Mackey
Advisory Board Member
Kate Enright
Advisory Board Member



$15 139 548

Bonnie Normile
Advisory Board Member
Tony Evans
Advisory Board Member
Kingsley Kobayashi
Advisory Board Member
Sinan Djevdet
Gabby S.
Head of Growth

FarmaTrust Entrevistas

David Allen Cohen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am a Technical Advisor and Board Member. FarmaTrust is a novel idea for the Pharma industry.
Stephen Cole
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Leading the Media Campaign
Chris Saynor
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Great idea which is most definitely needed to help secure the pharma supply chain.
Timothy Mackey
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am an academic advisor on this project
Kate Enright
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I'm on the Advisory Board of FarmaTrust, as a pharmacist with extensive experience of pharmaceutical Quality Assurance and supply chain management in humanitarian and development contexts.
Anthony Tudor St John
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am fully supportIve of Farmatrust and the objective of reducing counterfeit pharmaceuticals . An excellent and committed team
Raja Sharif
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am the Founder and CEO of FarmaTrust. I am extremely honoured to be joined by a number of distinguished executives, with strong business reputations helping me fulfill the vision of a world without counterfeit drugs and an efficient, intelligent pharmaceutical supply chain. We are all passionate about ensuring the success of FarmaTrust, not just as a commercial company but one that has a significant social impact, particularly in respect of saving lives around the world.

The management team have many decades of managing successful companies and ensure good corporate governance as well as prudence. We are an extremely transparent company, so please do not hesitate to contact us for any information about the company or its people.
Peter Bryant
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am the Chief Operating Officer at FarmaTrust. My responsibility is to ensure that all aspects of the business activities are working as anticipated and we are able to deliver our technological solutions to the audience as well as ensuring that the business operations are fit for purpose.
Shahnawaz Aziz
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Thank you for sharing the FarmaTrust vision.
Jeffrey Middelbos
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the community manager.

Mostly online at telegram, in case anyone has a question, remark or just to have a chat :)
Gabby S.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I will develop strategic partnerships within the platform and look forward to creating synergies between the different actors of the pharmaceutical supply chain to eliminate fake drugs form our societies.

FarmaTrust's unique proposed blockchain platform is revolutionary, commercially viable and offers a brand new governance beneficial for each shareholders included in the pharmaceutical ecosystem: patients, medical professionals, pharmaceutical agents and regulatory entities.

Please visit our website for more information and feel free to contact me at any time for further information.
Eszter Bohus
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am responsible for the marketing communications and brand development of FarmaTrust. I am thrilled to work have been work invited on board of FarmaTrust and be able to tackle this global epidemic of fake medicine which kills thousands every year globally. Let’s make a change!

FarmaTrust Últimas noticias

$ 0.0032
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 701.55
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.0702
ICO Price~$0.0450

% nombre% opiniones

FarmaTrust is not the only project, which is engaged in the management of pharmaceutical supplies. Their direct competitors are:
Synthium Health - ICO was carried out in February 2018, there’s no information on raised funds and release date.
BlockRx Isolve - ICO was carried out in January 2018, there’s no information on raised funds and release date.
Besides, FarmaTrust has to compete with projects not only from the healthcare area. There are projects, which technology allows tracking supply chains of any labelled products:
VeChain - capitalization - $1,8 billion, VEN token price after release at the exchange increased 14 times.
Origin Trail – in the course of ICO $21,5M was raised, capitalization - $56,2M, ROI USD - 2,1x
Modum - $13,5M raised, capitalization - $30,2M, ROI USD- 1,65x

Social activity:
The community’s interest in the project is below average, taking into account the team started to develop the followers’ base from December 2017: Twitter - 2896, FB - 3149, Telegram - 9289.

The lack of large partners, extension of public sale and platform availability time and decrease of hardcap 2.3 times are a wake-up call in the project planning and implementation.
The project concept is perfect for the ideal world without government corruption, manufacturers’ cartel agreements and distributors’ monopoly domination. And the project success will depend on the development of the partnership network of manufacturers and pharmaceutical distributors, and taking into account the realities of the modern market, it will be not anytime soon.

Lee mas
Ian Balina

I passed on it as well.

Lee mas
Wolf Crypto
Lee mas
Ian Scarffe
Blockchain ICO Consultant / Advisor. Founder at Crypto Consulting and Investments LTD.

Good use of the technology in a vital area. I like the look of the team and the vision is strong as well. Keep up the good work, guys, and I look forward to seeing the development!

Lee mas

Since different parties of a drug supply chain have different rules and regulations, there’s a risk of fraudulent actions with drugs when moving from one jurisdiction to the other. FarmaTrust is aiming to unify this process to eliminate getting counterfeit drugs into drug stores, hospitals and other medical institutions. This is not the first ICO project in the sphere of supply chains mostly because the blockchain technology is able to significantly improve efficiency and bring transparency which is highly demanded in the industry. The importance of supply chains in pharmaceutical industry is ultimate because in the end it saves lives. Among disadvantages we’d note a challenge of making the project visible to masses and engaging customers, as well as the system of three tokens that looks quite complex.
Other projects dealing with supply chains and that have already conducted ICO campaigns are on their way to success and feeling fine. FarmaTrust is ready and capable of repeating their stories.

Lee mas
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