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4 may 2018

Delta es una nueva plataforma criptográfica con criptomoneda propia, que combina las mejores prácticas en el campo de blockchains, DAGs, crypto monedas.
y contratos inteligentes. Las transacciones rápidas, las comisiones bajas, los contratos verificados, los propios constructores de blockchain y crypto hacen de Delta uno de los proyectos avanzados para negocios, microfinanzas e Internet de las cosas. Los contratos inteligentes de Delta se basan en la teoría de la programación semántica desarrollada.
por los académicos Ershov Y.L, Goncharov S.S. y el profesor Sviridenko D.I. En los años 80-90. En diciembre de 2017 Nechesov A.V. con Goncharov S.S. y Sviridenko D.I. Se demostraron algunos resultados que ayudaron a crear contratos inteligentes verificados. La plataforma Delta es perfecta para empresas grandes y pequeñas, microfinanzas e IoT, para quienes necesitan su propia cadena de bloques y criptomoneda sin comisiones.
1 sept 2018
1 ene 2019
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
  • 1 DELTA
    600 DELTA
1 abr 2018
1 sept 2018
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
  • 1 DELTA
    1,000 DELTA
Detalles del token
Distribución de fichas
76,7% - pre-ICO and ICO
23,3% - bounty program
Monedas aceptadas
Detalles de la compañía
País registrado
Estructura de bonificación
Pre-ICO - 60%
ICO 1-3 days - 50%
ICO 4-7 days - 33,3%
ICO 8-14 days - 20%
Detalles adicionales
New blockchain(Ethereum + IOTA)
Al por menor

Acerca de DELTA

Plataforma DELTA

Idea principal de un proyecto Delta: cree una plataforma con su propia criptomoneda, cadenas de múltiples bloques y contratos inteligentes verificados. Nechesov A.V con el académico Goncharov S.S. y el profesor Sviridenko D.I. En 2017 se comprobaron algunos principios matemáticos para contratos inteligentes verificados. En la implementación de Delta, cada usuario puede crear su propia cadena de bloques o estructura DAG, puede crear su propia criptomoneda y escribir información en su propia cadena de bloques sin comisión. Velocidad de transacción de más de 1M tx / seg.

DELTA tokens pre-ICO e ICO

Cantidad de tokens de Delta: 4294M
Etapa pre-ICO de Delta: cada comprador recibe un bono de token + 150-200%
Fase ICO de Delta: cada comprador recibe un bono de token + 25% -150%

Conversión de tokens DELTA en monedas Delta

En 1Q 2019 - 2Q 2019, todos los usuarios pueden convertir tokens de Delta en monedas de Delta. Precio: 1 ficha de Delta = 1 moneda de Delta. Monto total de las monedas delta: 4294M monedas.


1) Solo las fichas Delta 4294M se convertirán en monedas Delta 4294M.
2) Cadenas de múltiples bloques y DAG.
3) Contratos inteligentes verificados.
4) Cadenas de bloques del constructor, DAG, criptomonedas.
5) Transacciones rápidas de más de 1M tx / seg.
6) La mejor plataforma para Internet de las cosas, operación comercial y micropagos
7) Blockchains públicas y privadas.

Información técnica

1. Delta ICO and tokens convertation in Delta coins.

First step - it is pre-ICO and ICO DELTA. We created ERC20 smart contract on Ethereum and created 4294M Delta tokens. All tokens in future will be converted in Delta Coins. Total amount Delta coins also 4294M. Convertation rate will be 1 Delta token = 1 Delta Coin. Current price on tokens in pre-ICO and ICO periods and dates pre-ICO and ICO you can see on site

2. Delta blockchain

For the development of the Delta blockchain, we took the best solutions from systems such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and IOTA. Moreover, in addition to the simple blockchains, we will talk about other data storage structures: multiblockchains, DAGs and data structures used in torrent systems, which we will discuss in a separate chapter. Moreover, we will also discuss about algorithm of consensus to ensure the solidity information.

2.1 Delta Master Blockchain

The storage of all main operations - it's a Delta Master Blockchain(DMB). In DMB we stored all information about Delta coins transactions, smart contracts 1 what was deployed in DMB. Also each user can create new blockchains(DAGs) and saved hashes and params all users blockchains with own cryptocurrency. DMG have own cryptocurrency Delta coin and cost of transactions. DMB similar with Ethereum blockchain. New blocks will generated in average 1 sec. DMB have data limit in 10MB.

2.2 Delta Users Structures

Any user can create own decentralized structure. Such as blockchains, DAGs, Databases and etc. User can set settings privacy for own structure on read, write, share: public, friends, private. When user generated own decentralized structure, this information deploy in DMB. Total amount all users structures equal 4294M.

2.2.1 Delta Users Blockchains Blockchain it's most popular decentralized data storage. Each user can create own blockchain with own blockchain and cryptocurrency params. When user generating new blockchain, in DMB will create a new transactions with next params: type of structure, structure id, owner id.

2.2.2 Delta Users DAGs DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) it's good alternative to blockchain technology. Many cryptocurrencies based on DAGs. DAG systems have not miners and blocks, users confirm each other's transactions via a process that confirms previous transactions with each new transaction. Because there are no blocks, there is no blocksize issue. DAGs have a some best properties: fast transactions speed, transactions without commissisions, big data volumes. Delta allow each user create own DAG structure with individual params and cryptocurrency.

3 Delta smart-contracts

Smart contract it's core Delta Platform. Smart contract based on theory of semantic programming and have many good properties.

3.1 Smart Contract how logic Delta0−formula We can translate Delta smart contract code to logic Delta0−formulas and get all info about our contract. We can verify contracts, translate into text documents for users languages. Delta Smart Contract Language is not Turing Complete, but 99.999% all business processes covered our language. And we have contracts verification - it's a big plus. Also we can convert users documents and Delta0−formulas in our Delta Smart Contracts.

3.2 Smart Contracts and virtual machine For every computation need have a virtual machine(VM). VM execute our smart contracts and return result. We can convert Delta smart contract in any Turing complete language and special program code of any Turing complete language into Delta0−logic formula. Our contracts will be execute on any virtual machine: JavaScript, PHP or other.

DELTA Roadmap

  • 1Q2017 - IDEA

  • We generated Idea about Delta - cryptocurrency 3.0. Fast transactions, blockchains, without commissions
  • 2Q2017 - Research

  • Developed Delta-platform concept. Proved some result about Smart Contract verification.
  • 4Q2017 - WhitePaper, site, team

  • Was created first whitepaper, created site and find team.
  • 2Q2018 - start pre-ICO.

  • 2Q2018 we started DELTA pre-ICO. Every user get EXTRA tokens bonus on pre-ICO. You will convert tokens on real DELTA coins in future and get very good income!
  • Lee mas
  • 3Q2018 - start ICO.

  • 3Q2018 we will start DELTA ICO. Every user get EXTRA tokens bonus on ICO in 1-3 days, 3-7 days, 7-14 days. You will convert tokens on real DELTA coins in future and get very good income!
  • 1Q2019 DELTA pralform with own multi-blockchains and cryptocurrency DELTA

  • In 1Q2019 every user can convert own Delta tokens on Delta coins. Price 1Delta token = 1 Delta coin.
  • 2Q2019 Delta in listing on Poloniex, BitTrex and other exchanges

  • We will plane add our DELTA coins on TOP Cryptocurrencies Exchange: Poloniex, BitTrex and other.

DELTA Materiales

DELTA Equipo

Verificado 100%

Nechesov Andrey
founder and CEO DELTA
Serbsky Nikita
co-founder and TD DELTA
Nadezhda Nechesova
Director of Public Relations
Michael Marchenko
Blockchain director
Cristian Bufis
IT administrator
Alexey Syrnev
Head of web development


Verificado 0%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo

Vityaev Evgeniy
Math adviser
Sviridenko Dmitry
General progect adviser
Maxim Sviridenko
Business adviser

DELTA Entrevistas

Nechesov Andrey
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My name Nechesov Andrey.
I'm CEO Delta project.

I from Russia, Novosibirsk. Mathematic and blockchain expert. My main direction - it's Delta project.

My profile on Facebook:
Serbsky Nikita
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hi, my name is Nikita.

I'm Tech director DELTA!

We will create fast and smart platform DELTA. Multi blockchains, semantic contracts and other beautifull things.

See our site
Telegram channels: @deltacoin & @deltaico
Nadezhda Nechesova
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Michael Marchenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am specialist in supercomputer stochastic simulation and stochastic models of financial processes and intsrtuments
Cristian Bufis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As an IT administrator, I’m responsible for maintaining the DELTA's IT network, servers and security systems.
I’m responsible for investigating and diagnosing network problems, collecting IT usage stats, making recommendations for improving the DELTA's IT systems.
Alexey Syrnev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?

DELTA Últimas noticias

5.0 4
ICO Perfil Visión Actividad Potencial Producto Equipo

% nombre% opiniones

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

DELTAis a semantic platform for business and Internet of Things (IOT) relying on the use of block chain technology and high level mathematics methods from Sobolev Institute of Mathematics.


  • Faster transactions: The platform use enables faster transactions with the users able to make a million transaction within a seconds hence increasing exchange efficiency
  • Verification: The platform enables the verification of the users transactions based on smart contract
  • Security: The platform use provides the user security  through the multi- block chain and Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) hence attracting many investors on the platform
  • Usability: The platform is simple and easy to use and prevents any unexpected extra cost making it cheaper to use
  • Team: The  platform is founded by Nechesov Andrey who has good in semantic programming and crypto currency  and has successfully led different block chain projects promoting easy execution of the project


  • The platform white paper is less detailed  and the users cant extract adequate information on the project implication
  • Fewer team members involved
  • The platform token is missing making it unable to raise funds during the pre-sale stage


  • Include more team members in the project management and advisory
  • The platform white paper should be more detailed giving the users a vast information about the project enabling them to invest
  • The platform should involved easy exchange of the commonly used crypto currency and fiat


The platform use enables easy crypto currency exchanges however this can only be achieved upon its full implementation. This hinders me from investing in it due to the lack of its fundamental elements.

Lee mas
  • Debido a que puede haber diferencias de tiempo en las actualizaciones de información, la información precisa sobre cada proyecto ICO debe verificarse a través de su sitio web oficial u otros canales de comunicación.
  • Esta información no es una sugerencia o consejo para invertir en fondos de la OIC. Por favor, investigue a fondo la información relevante y decida la participación de la OIC.
  • Si cree que hay problemas o correcciones a corregir en este contenido, o si desea enviar su propio proyecto ICO para que aparezca en la lista, por favor envíenos un correo electrónico.
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