Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China

Combining the best of East and West, we offer a unique study experience and develop future leaders.

Acerca de Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) is an international joint venture university founded by Xi’an Jiaotong University in China and the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom. As an independent Sino-foreign cooperative university, it captures the essence of both prestigious parent universities and is the largest of such universities approved by the Ministry of Education in China.


The University currently offers approximately 100 degree programmes in the fields of science, engineering, business, finance, architecture, urban planning, language, culture and all are taught in English except for general and basic courses. Undergraduate students earn two degrees: an XJTLU degree from the Chinese Ministry of Education and a globally recognised degree from the University of Liverpool. Postgraduate students receive a University of Liverpool degree that is recognised by the Ministry of Education. All academic departments at XJTLU offer PhD opportunities, which help to fulfill XJTLU’s vision of “becoming a research-led international university in China and a Chinese university recognised internationally for its unique features”.


Since its establishment in May 2006, XJTLU has contributed to the development of higher education in China as well as developed its “Five-Star” model, through the implementation of which, it has continuously upgraded its student development system and management and operation mechanisms in response to demands. Over time, XJTLU has won wide recognition for its highly internationalised environment, advanced educational concepts and high-quality talent development.



With a focus on the ideology of a “happy life and successful career”, XJTLU bases its values upon diversity, discipline, innovation, liberty and trust. In keeping with trends, XJTLU, by virtue of a resilient management structure and innovative educational model, is able to integrate the cultural and educational essence of the west and the east to produce world citizens with international perspectives and competitiveness. It is exploring new models for higher education that will exert a strong influence on the development of education in China and the world.



XJTLU recruits the best students from China and abroad to both its undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The University has almost 21,000 registered students, including those who are completing study at the University of Liverpool. XJTLU is committed to creating an internationalised environment in which education quality is stringently monitored and students are encouraged to manage their own lives, whilst being able to access the range of support services available at the University. At XJTLU, students are treated as young adults, which calls for them to be independent, self-motivated and cooperative. They are expected to develop into world citizens with international perspectives and competitiveness.


When they graduate, XJTLU students’ ambitions and aspirations take them all over the world into jobs and further study. In 2019, over 85 percent of graduates planned to continue their studies in world-renowned universities (Masters and PhD), with 33.61% entering one of the world top ten universities and almost 78% percent receiving offers from universities ranking in the world top 100. Nearly 15 percent of the graduates work in Fortune 500 companies in China and the world.

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