The Сolorado Sun

The Сolorado Sun

The Colorado Sun is a journalist-owned, award-winning news outlet based in Denver that strives to cover all of Colorado so that our state — our community — can better understand itself.

Acerca de The Сolorado Sun

In this way, we believe we can contribute to a more vibrant, informed and whole Colorado.

We are committed to fact-based, in-depth and nonpartisan journalism. We cover everything from politics and culture to the outdoor industry and education.

We are a public benefit corporation, which means we’re a for-profit company incorporated with a mission. Our mission is to provide our community with quality, non-partisan journalism — and no paywall. To read our most recent annual report, please visit (Here are our past reports: 2019, 2020/2021)

Our goal is not to turn a profit. Our goal is to produce the best possible journalism. We do that with the help of you, our readers, and community backers.

Every dollar we take in goes directly toward the journalism we produce. Period. That’s our promise to our readers — along with striving to make sure each and every one of our stories are worth your time.


Larry Ryckman
Dana Coffield
Senior Editor
Eric Lubbers
Technology & Strategy
Jason Blevins
Outdoors/Business Writer
Tamara Chuang
Business/Technology Writer
Jennifer Brown
Government/Human Services Writer
John Ingold
Health/Criminal Justice Writer
Michael Booth
Health/Environmental Writer
Kevin Simpson
Colorado Lifestyle/General Assignment Writer/Edito...
Jesse Paul
Political Editor and Writer
Lance Benzel
Team Editor
David Krause
Team Editor
Erica Breunlin
Education Writer
Olivia Prentzel
General Assignment Writer
Shannon Najmabadi
Politics/Rural Affairs/Economy Writer
Tatiana Flowers
Inequality/General Assignment Writer
Chris Outcalt
Water Reporter
Danika Worthington
Presentation Editor
Olivia Sun
Hugh Carey
Sylvia Harmon
Director of Sales
Carol Wood
Operations and Human Resources
Kristina Pritchett
Marketing and Events Specialist