Plenty DeFi

Plenty DeFi

Plenty is expanding DeFi use cases on Tezos towards a full scale decentralized financial ecosystem. Empowering traders, liquidity providers & developers to participate in an open financial marketplace.

Acerca de Plenty DeFi

Plenty aims to intertwine many decentralized markets and instruments. Thus far, a decentralized exchange (including flat CFMMs / stableswaps), an Ethereum to Tezos bridge, and yield instruments have been developed, with plenty more to come. Plenty runs on Tezos, a Proof of Stake blockchain that has much lower transaction fees than other blockchains such as Ethereum or Bitcoin.


Trade directly from your favorite wallet. Unlike centralized exchanges, Plenty doesn’t control your funds. You have 100% ownership of your own tokens.


Tezos consumes over two million times less energy than Proof of Work blockchains like Bitcoin or Ethereum. The minimal carbon footprint of Tezos means developers and users can prioritize innovation, without compromising sustainability.