We manage digital assets for your capital growth

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About Crypton


It's our mission to de-risk the digital asset markets by turning volatility into predictability. We are building "Narrow AI" that creates new investment strategies on-the-fly based on predictable market changes. We mitigate investment risk and therefore attracting traditional investors - high net worth individuals, fund managers and institutional investors - to make long-term sustainable investments that increases market capitalisaton, liquidity and stability of digital assets.

Money is evolving and blockchain technologies is at the epicentre of this evolution. Digital assets such as Bitcoin enables a more secure and frictionless transfer of value over the internet. However, Bitcoin and the other 1800 digital assets (also known as "cryptocurrencies") are volatile and risky investments because of the nature of establishing new markets. Crypton has identified multiple sources of alpha that understands factors that influence the changes in prices of Bitcoin. We apply machine learning and specifically deep learning ("AI") to make sense of short-term price changes (seconds, hours, days), helping investors mitigate the risk of volatile markets and maximise the profit making opportunity.