Ability App

Ability App

The Ability App (app.theabilityapp.com) helps identify accessible places for those with disabilities, as well as their families, friends, and caregivers.

Acerca de Ability App

The World Health Organization estimates that people with disabilities, and their friends and families, account for over $8 trillion in annual disposable income globally. Ignoring this audience is a costly option.

The Ability App is a tool for businesses to promote their accessible features, learn from customers, and gain insight into a historically untapped market.

Create an account for your business and share insights that will be seen by potential new local customers as well as people visiting from out of town. If you make an accessible update, let customers know. As we expand the app to include greater tools for businesses, your market opportunities will only grow!

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  • Zámocká 862/2, 811 01 Bratislava-Hrad, S...