

Created using Figma
BuschCoin (BUC) is part of the AMOC ecosystem.
AMOC is a multiplayer online cannabis trading card game with a big seed market in behind.
Did you remember on old times - at the school - all played "stitch" "SuperTrumpf". As card game "my car or my plane or my boat is faster as yours".. "Trumpf".. But it was not fair that the game owner knows all cards and can play better.
We have tuned the game concept to a real big game with different playing options, and over 14.000 cards to play.
My friend is the owner of the biggest cannabis strain data-base seedfinder.eu. So by 14k cards nobody can know about the complete card stack.
We have also different game play variants mixed it with some poker-game-rules & variants to grow it massive up.
Later real massive later if we have our gambling license too, user can bet & win on own cards, or from outside as guest.
By the way we make sure not a game for cash, and not full of shitty advertisements.
User can pay for a lot of specials, decor sets and sounds, but never anything "to play better for cash"!
1 ene 2020
31 ene 2020
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
Detalles del token
Detalles de la compañía
País registrado
Detalles adicionales

Acerca de BuschCoin

Our story for this project is quickly told.
We are man of actions and creators.
We love what we do.
Much is done.
A new challenge has been found and is now being made.
We are now all experienced enough to manage large projects.
The one on both sides, excellently versed in both ends,
he can do wonders in the middle.
The pitfalls and the splendor are in the subtleties of the same details.

BuschCoin Roadmap

  • Nov 2019

  • Creating the BuschCoin *BUC for the AMOC game. For the game itself and for the founding process.
  • Dec 2019

  • Starting up project page and social media work.. First test trades and tech tests done..

BuschCoin Equipo

Verificado 0%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo

Buschi Buschmann
Chief of Data&Law
M. Doe
Chief Teamhunter
N. Doe
Chief of security
Music producer
Chief of Marketing & Sales

BuschCoin Últimas noticias

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