Bitcoin Bank

Bitcoin Bank

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Bitcoin Bank is a decentralized reward token on the binance smart chain which rewards holders by air dropping them $BTC.
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To be announced
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Acerca de Bitcoin Bank

Bitcoin Bank is a BEP-20 reward token that rewards its holders in BTC rewards on the Binance smart chain that was launched July 20th, 2022. We plan to change the way people view rewards tokens. We will be the first token ever to give the entire marketing wallet to our holders after 1 year from the day of launch. The marketing wallet, which we like to refer to it as the Maxi wallet, receives 3% in BTC rewards based off volume. The holders also receive $BTC rewards which is 7% based of volume and gets distributed among all the holders. With the maxi wallet we plan to revolutionize reward tokens.

Bitcoin Bank Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Website Launch

    Early partnerships and building the bitboys

    Coin Geicko application

    CMC application

    Promotion and Twitter spaces

    Constant buybacks and burns

    500 Holders
  • Phase 2

  • 2,000 Holders

    Merch drop for private sale buyers

    Medium scale promotion

    Build Maxi community

    CEX listings
  • Phase 3

  • 10,000 Holders

    Billboard Promotions

    Contract Audit

    DAPP to track maxi wallet
  • Phase 4

  • Maxi wallet distribution

    More CEX Exchanges

    Further Development

    Continue Marketing Campaign

Bitcoin Bank Últimas noticias

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