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Acerca de AVXChange

AVXChange o Audio Video eXchange es un negocio de FinTech establecido sobre los principios de la tecnología blockchain para revolucionar la distribución de datos de propiedad en Internet. Más específicamente, AVXChange es una plataforma personalizada, basada en incentivos, Peer to Peer (P2P), diseñada para el intercambio de medios de audio y video a través de Internet.

Imagine un cliente de bittorrent que tiene un mecanismo de transacción que permite a los usuarios compensar a los propietarios de propiedad intelectual (IP) e incentiva a los usuarios al permitirles ganar su papel en la distribución del producto al mercado. Sin embargo, a diferencia de BitTorrent, la plataforma AVXChange será un sistema distribuido que utilizará los principios de las tecnologías de blockchain / ledgers distribuidos para eliminar puntos de datos centralizados, lo que aumentará la seguridad y la transparencia, ya que todos los nodos de la red alcanzarán un consenso sobre los datos y eventos. AVXChange utilizará su propia forma de criptomoneda (AVX), que facilitará transacciones internacionales rápidas y sin fronteras basadas en Internet. Visite nuestro sitio web o vea nuestro video explicativo para obtener más información.

& nbsp; La necesidad

Convertir sin compensar a compensado La tecnología AVXChange fue diseñada para satisfacer una necesidad en el mercado de convertir descargas de archivos de medios P2P sin compensar en descargas de medios compensadas incentivando a los participantes de intercambio de archivos P2P a comprar sus archivos. Las descargas no compensadas se producen cuando los propietarios de propiedad intelectual no reciben ninguna compensación por la descarga de su trabajo. Los participantes en el intercambio de archivos de AVXChange están incentivados para compensar a los propietarios de IP al permitir que aquellos que comparten los archivos se beneficien de su participación en la red de distribución, compensándolos económicamente por el uso de su ancho de banda, procesamiento y recursos de almacenamiento.

Creemos que hay varias razones por las que muchos usuarios descargan contenido de redes de intercambio de archivos P2P sin compensar a los propietarios de IP, además de la falta de plataformas P2P que permitan la compensación de los propietarios de IP.

AVXChange Equipo

Verificado 30%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo

Robert Enga
Founder and CEO
Ryan Strasser
Mark Dave
Senior Software Engineer and Blockchain Developer
Software Engineer and Blockchain Developer
Full Stack Graphic Designer
Christian Dave
Software Engineer and Blockchain Developer
Full Stack Developer
Software Developer and Network Engineer
Marketing Director


Verificado 0%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo


AVXChange Entrevistas

Robert Enga
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Founder and CEO, I seek to inspire the team to meet the goals of moving P2P file sharing users away from networks which do not compensate IP owners, to our network which will be setting aside the majority of proceeds from each purchace for the IP owner. We will be offering all the choice and flexibility of existing P2P options in a more polished application/interface which incentivises purchasing and sharing content. Also, we are creating the ideal marketplace for small and independent artists to sell their work, alongside the works of major artists, with open immutable transaction histories for all parties to see.
What do you think about idea?
What the P2P file sharing community has been waiting for. All the choice and flexibility of previous P2P efforts with the added feature of incentivized purchases and sharing. We also are going through tremendous lengths to build a world class consumer experience with a built in community to share and interact with.
Ryan Strasser
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am in charge of ensuring day to day operations. I regularly liase with the CEO, CTO, marketing and development teams to ensure smooth and efficient operations. I give advice to the team and assist in any way I can to ensure the success of the project. I am constantly learning from all team members which has shown me just how much AVXChange has to offer the industry and our community members.
What do you think about idea?
I believe the AVXChange business model is innovative and helps to solve a few key issues in today’s industry. The AVXChange incentivized business model ensures IP owners will be compensated for their hard work and IP as well as giving users the opportunity to earn for their role in P2P filesharing. It will also allow for smaller, independent IP creators and owners to sell their content on a platform that allows for fair and transparent compensation for their work.
Mark Dave
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role is to ensure that the technologies we are using are implemented efficiently, securely, and profitably. I am involved in the development of the technical aspects of AVXChange's strategy to ensure alignment with our business goals. I take part in the management of the technical part of the business and help the team in searching and implementing new technologies that yield competitive advantage to ensure the success of our project.
What do you think about idea?
For the past years, we’ve seen a lot of technological transformations right before our eyes and one of the most significant developments that the world has seen is blockchain. Blockchain technology has paved the way for the development of promising projects and business protocols and has given us the chance to create systems that are secure, transparent, and immutable. AVXChange took advantage of this revolutionary technology and lead the entry of blockchain in the world of P2P file sharing. AVXChange is definitely a game changer in the P2P game as we aim to create a file sharing community where everyone gets rewarded for their role in the distribution of media files. It is also the first platform to acknowledge the works of intellectual property owners by compensating them for their works. Our team is really excited to introduce our AVXChange platform to the world.

AVXChange Últimas noticias

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