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In this chaotic world where the evil guys are dominating, YU-GI-KING decided to take on the status quo!
To be announced
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
Presale Sold $YUGI 2,702,036,000
Liquidity Pool 1,672,688,940
PTE Rewards 15,000,000,000
Community Benefits 1,500,000,000
Other Marketing 1,500,000,000
Team 1,800,000,000
Burn Token 5,825,275,060
Additional Details


This time YUGI is fighting for his own glory to become the best player in YU-GI-KING. YUGI is also fighting to beat the evils in the society who dominated all the resources or deprived others right and happiness.

YU-GI-KING is more than just a game. Your monster partner can help 10x ,100x your wealth and help you beat the capitalism in the life game!

YU-GI-KING Last News

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