The Xenio gaming ecosystem uses distributed computing to solve systemic problems inherent in existing game distribution and asset management systems, in a single distributed peer-to-peer platform. By tokenizing game assets, Xenio allows game publishers to assign digital ownership to a player’s character or account by distributing the ownership records to the distributed blockchain database. These utility tokens have intrinsic value based on real markets and can be sold in a crowdfunding environment directly to target market gamers. Decentralized blockchain technology and smart contracts facilitate gamers’ purchases of in-game items between trusted or anonymous third parties for real money on a trust-agnostic platform, offering a greatly reduced risk of fraud and no counterparty risk. Transparent, immutable data chains allow 3rd party community websites and game server operators to provide their own value-added services based on statistical analysis of both historical and real-time in-game data. No other gaming distribution platform combines all of these services in a single, open-source client using a fully distributed network.
Testnet activated
Client PoC test
Client communication
P2P chat
Xenio Coin transaction
Genesis block on mainnet
Beta client interface preview
Github Public
Verified 0%
Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team
Verified 0%
Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team
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We list token sales from entities with which we have no relationship to help users track overall activity within the token sector. This information is not intended as advice, and you should seek professional or specialist guidance or conduct your own due diligence before making any decisions based on our content.
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ICOholder is not legally responsible for any representations made by third parties about any token sale. Any claims for breach of contract must be directed against the listed token issuing entity.
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