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Global world changes, occurring due to blockchain technologies, are irreversible. Smart contracts give the opportunity to outrun half of the players in the market who charge unwanted agent fees, making many services 60% cheaper, and save a lot of time.

Currently, the total freelance market volume reaches $1 billion. Having combined the most popular services in the frames of one decentralized platform - Word.Expert (WE) with the sole cryptocurrency WORDCOIN - we will create a multiplier effect, which will cause the explosive growth in numbers of platform users, freelance services efficiency and WORDCOIN rate, which is limited in offer.
Sep 27, 2017
Nov 16, 2017
100% completed
$847 657
1% goal completed
Goal 23 000.00 ETH
    0.00349 ETH
Token Details
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details
Platform, Cryptocurrency


"In the beginning was the Word...", then the Internet, and finally blockchain! Having combined all these steps together, we will get a revolutionary project WORDCOIN!

Global world changes, occurring due to blockchain technologies, are irreversible. Smart contracts give the opportunity to put away half of the players in the market with unwanted agent fees, making many services 60% cheaper, and save a lot of time.

Currently, the total freelance market volume reaches $1 trillion. Having combined the most popular services in the frames of one decentralized platform Word Expert (WE) with the sole cryptocurrency WORDCOIN, we will get a multiplier effect, which will provide the explosive growth of platform users amount, freelance services efficiency and WORDCOIN rate, limited in offer.

  • Quality
    Clients can choose the best authors according to the rating system based on the price-quality principle
  • Benefit
    The exchange works on the basis of trade market, you don't have to overpay
  • Convenience
    Our exchange has friendly interface, calculations in the unitary currency, variety of additional tools
  • 24/7 support
    Multilingual support service
  • Coverage
    Our platform helps to find an author for your order anywhere in the world at minimal cost
  • Safety
    All the transactions in the system are based on blockchain


Analysis of users’ data, rating systems, and monitoring of posted information.
Machine learning methods implementation in order to minimize the amount of low-quality pieces of text.
Adaptive security architecture provides multi-level security.

Technical Info

Technical details:  Word Expert is built on the principles of transparency and integration simplicity with other services and applications. All traffic will be encrypted by SSL protocol. The source code:  The code is not available. Proof of developer:  Public team


  • ICO

  • Attracting contributions to the project
  • Stage 1. “Fundraising”, September 17 – October 17

  • ICO to sell out WORDCOIN tokens. Active coverage across mass media, conferences, forums, social media and chats with detailed description for core advantages of the platform.
  • Project realization

  • Platform creation
  • Stage 2. “Establishment”, November 17 – February 18

  • Roll-out of the MPV platform and attraction of the first websites, customers and Contractors; mooring business processes. Active campaign to inform all stakeholders on the preparation to the platform launch.
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  • Platform launch

  • Launching the full version of the platform, implementing global PR campaign
  • Stage 3. “Roll-Out”, May 2018

  • The WE platform will be ready to fully-fledged access in 7 months from the completion of the fundraising procedure. Seeking to attract new users, the early-adopters will receive the bonuses for registration and successful completion of a job. In parallel, the raised funds will used to roll out an active PR campaign with the detailed plan in place and understanding about the channels for attraction of new users to the WE platform.Prior to August 2018, all transactions will be made in WORDCOIN. The first Customers will be able to buy the cryptocurrency on the internal exchange from the ICO-level investors, while the Contractors will be able to convert WORDCOIN into ETH at the platform’s internal exchange.
  • Exchange entrance

  • Registring tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges
  • Stage 4. “Development”, 2019-2025

  • Roll-out of new services, offered by new groups of Contractors.


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Pavel Burtsev
Founder and CEO


$967 657

Dariya Niyazova
PR manager
Dimitry Kotov
Vlad Belousov
Web Designer
Andrey Ustinov
Andrew Golyanov
Multi-Language Translations Provider
Sergey Vorobin
Hardware architector
Artyom Simonov
Chief Editor of news.ru
Carlos Vasquez
Managing Director of Cupquelan Patagonia Salmon LL...
Oleg Petryaschev
Founder of Gosbroker, Startup, Manager of blockcha...


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Mikhail Zotov
ADVISOR, Investment Director CapMan Russia


5.0 3
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team



Wordcoin is a freelance writing platform that aims to attract social media marketers, copywriters, and content writers to a decentralized, blockchain-based marketplace where firms can gather to purchase writing-related work. The development team has run a similar platform in Russia between 2011 and 2017. With Wordcoin, they’re seeking to bring that platform into a decentralized environment.

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